From the Assistant Principal

Uniform Sub-Committee

Thank you to those who responded to the uniform surveys. We will post the survey results on the school website for you to view. The uniform sub-committee will discuss the results of the surveys and consider further revisions to the uniform policy. School Council approved the GEC rain jacket so this will be a new addition to the uniform list as of next year.


We appreciate your continued support in making sure that students come to school dressed in line with the uniform policy, including the wearing of black leather, lace-up school shoes only, not runners. Students should be in the school uniform on the way to school and when returning home as per DET policy.


Uniform Sub-Committee want to remind you of the following;

  • Just a reminder that gender restrictions of uniform items do not apply e.g. girls may wear trousers. Bob Stewart, our uniform supplier, is able to accommodate different designs and will tailor trousers and shorts to fit all body sizes.
  • The rain jacket is a new item that will be added to the uniform list in time for winter next year.


We are very proud of the way our families make student attendance at school a priority. Every day counts! Research indicates that each day missed is associated with lower achievement in numeracy, writing and reading. School is a ‘training ground’ for the workplace. Arriving at school on time is an important life skill. Please ensure your child arrives on time to school. If students are late to school they will do an after school detention on that day unless they provide a note from home.

Reporting Process

We are currently reviewing the new reporting process implemented this year. We appreciate your feedback provided so far through the surveys. The progress reports published every six weeks provide you and the school with important information to track student achievement. A reminder that Assessment Task results can be found on the XUNO Portal under ‘Reports’ as a PDF document. These will be updated later this term. We hope that you have looked at Progress Report 5, recently released, and discussed this with your child.


Nick Hamer-Smith

Assistant Principal