Careers News


What a hectic few weeks!   Here are some of the highlights:


UNE Open Day 10 May

For interested Year 12 students


North West Regional Careers Expo

For all Year 10, 11 and 12 students


Guest speakers:

University of Newcastle and ex-student Kiarra Ruttley who is an apprentice electrician with Transgrid.        


2019 UNE Experience Day Environmental & Rural Science / Chemistry Thursday 16 May

This event was organised by Oorala Aboriginal Centre at UNE and was attended by Year 12 student Diaz Martyn.  On the day students attended talks, conducted hands-on chemistry experiments and saw what career pathways are possible with science-based courses.    



Year 10 Careers Booklet

Earlier this week, I spoke to all Year 10 students about the range of decisions and choices to be made during Year 10 and the resources available to help both them and their parents with these.

After the presentation all year 10 received a 2019 Year 10 Careers Booklet which I encourage parents and guardians to look at and then discuss options with their child.

A PDF copy will be emailed to Year 10 parents on Monday 27 May.


Students registered and checked out resources on Job Jump.  This resource is also available to every McCarthy parent regardless of the year in which their child is enrolled. McCarthy students and parents can access career and course information plus a whole lot more through this website.

A quick 2 minute video providing an overview is here: 

Details on how to register are here:

Register for free using your email (non-school for students) and selecting:

School:   McCarthy Catholic College Tamworth     Initial school password: brumbies


Year 12 Careers Booklet

On Wednesday this week, all Year 12 students received a 2019 Year 12 Careers Booklet which provides important information for all students about options for after the HSC.  It also contains specific information for those who will be job hunting at the end of the year and those going on to further study at TAFE, private Colleges or University.

A PDF copy will be emailed to Year 12 parents on Monday 27 May.


Mrs Susan Barrett

Careers Adviser