Middle Years

Middle Years News
I would like to warmly welcome back all students, and we are looking forward to a productive and focused term in myPEC. I really enjoyed greeting our students on Tuesday morning.
It is wonderful to return after taking my Long Service Leave, and this period allowed me time to reflect on my role as an educator. One thing was clear, I really missed our students; the daily conversations and their abundant energy. It also allowed me to reflect on my vision for myPEC and how we can further develop our Middle Years programme. I am incredibly proud of what we do and our culture, and we can further develop and nurture the children in our care.
I would encourage all our myPEC students to:
- Work hard and commit to your learning. Your effort matters.
- Be kind to everyone, your peers, your families and your teachers. Relationships matter.
- Try to keep a positive mindset or outlook. The simple reason is being positive energy to each day makes the day easier.
- Remember that some things don’t work out as you expected, and that is ok too.
- Respect is important, respect yourself, your family, your peers, your teachers.
- Manners do matter, and will shape your future lives.
Gaoyou Middle School
We are preparing for the upcoming Gaoyou Middle School visit, in Week 3. There will be 34 students and 5 staff in the Delegation. They arrive on Wednesday 2nd August and depart on Tuesday 8th August. Thank you to Year 9 families who have kindly offered to billet. We are still needing homestay for students during their visit, and I would welcome assist. If your family is able to help, can you please contact me by email (jwintercooke@hamiltoncollege.vic.edu.au)
Mrs Julia Winter Cooke
Head of Middle Years