Junior Campus and ELC

Notices to be Distributed in the Coming Week
- “Diary of a Wombat” performance – Piccino to Year 2
- Hoop Time information and consent – Years 3 to 5
Welcome Back to Term Three
Term Three promises ‘many and varied’ Junior School events as we move from winter into spring. Year Five head back to 1854 on their Sovereign Hill trip in Week 2. Our Kids Matter/Red Cross group with Mrs Milich will continue to visit The Birches on a regular basis. Hoop Time and Hockey 7s tournaments will see our Year 3, 4 and 5 students given the opportunity to represent the College. We will celebrate ‘Wellness Week’ and ‘Book Week’ in Weeks 5 and 6 respectively. We also look forward to the Junior School Arts Festival in Week 6 and, Planet Rhythm will visit us in Week 9. Overall, it will be a busy and vibrant Term Three.
State Cross Country
We wish Charlie Beggs and Zoe Addinsall all the very best when they represent the College at the State Cross Country Championships in Melbourne on Thursday, July 20th.
ICAS Testing
This term sees our Year 2, 3, 4 and 5 students sit the ICAS English and Mathematics papers. ICAS is an independent, skills-based assessment program which recognises and rewards student achievement. ICAS is unique, being the most comprehensive generally available suite of academic assessments for primary and secondary school students. ICAS is a 21st century quality assessment that keeps pace with classroom learning. Junior School students will sit the English paper in Week 3 and the Mathematics paper in Week 5.
We welcome back Mrs Jacquie Grimmer to cover in Mrs Helen Mackarness’ absence. Mrs Grimmer is an Old Collegian and graduate of Melbourne University. Mrs Bec Cameron will continue her excellent work in the Library with ELC to Year 5 students.
Sit Less Desks
Our Year 4 class is presently trialling four ‘Sit Less’ desks. Sit Less is an Australian company that produces
reliable, safe and easy to use height-adjustable desk that are designed and built specifically for the classroom. We will have the desks for five weeks, in which time all Year 4 students will have the opportunity to use them.
Mr Stephen Nelson
Head of Junior School
Red Cross Youth/Kids Matter
On Friday, 4th August it is “Jeans for Genes day” and the Red Cross Youth / KidsMatter team have organised a fundraiser. You can wear casual clothes on that day but make sure you include your best denim. The more denim the better – double denim, different coloured denim. We will be looking out for people wearing the most denim.
The most important part is to bring a gold coin donation so that we can help scientists continue their research into the causes of childhood disease in order to give children a better chance of a healthy, happy future. Currently, one in 20 children are born with a birth defect or genetic disease. On average, that’s one in every classroom.
Mrs Bernadette Milich
Red Cross Youth / KidsMatter co-ordinator