
Welcome back to all our students and their horses for Term 3. The Equestrian Centre is already almost at capacity this term! Horses are settled into their paddocks and yards, happy to be back and ready to enjoy the week ahead. Senior Horsemanship lessons will begin on Thursday of this week. Junior Horsemanship always has a break during Term 3 to let the winter weather pass; however, if there are any interested riders who would like to participate in an unmounted version of Junior Horsemanship, please complete the attached form to register your interest.
Please complete the attached forms to register your interest in our Senior and Junior Horsemanship program for Term 3. The Junior Horsemanship program will be an unmounted program dedicated to theory over the winter period and will need at least 4 riders to participate. Please return these forms to reception or email ateboekhorst15@hamiltoncollege.vic.edu.au
as soon as possible.
There will be a meeting for the Friends of Equestrian Parent Committee on Friday 21st July 2017 at 10:30am upstairs at the Roxburgh café. Please save the date in your diaries and I will look forward to meeting with you all then.
For updates, news, Calendar, entry forms, results and more GO TO THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES:
Victorian Equestrian Interschool Series:
Equestrian Victoria:
Please note any horses who are regularly coming to and from the Hamilton and Alexandra College Equestrian Centre must be up to date with vaccinations for Tetanus and Strangles and records of these will be maintained to ensure the biosecurity of the centre. You must also notify the Director of Horsemanship immediately if your horse has been in or originated from Queensland or Northern New South Wales. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions.
Cox Street Vets are offering our riders a vaccination and health package for all our horses. Should you require further information in relation to this please contact myself at equestrian@hamiltoncollege.vic.edu.au or contact Cox Street Vets directly on ph. 55711202
Ms Amanda Te Boekhorst
Director of Horsemanship