Dates to remember

2018 Term 3 


Tuesday 11th

Think U Know   Parent session 6.30pm



Thursday 13th



Friday 14th


Footy Day - Hot Dog Day - Wear Your colours


Wednesday 19th

Gymnastics 4-6  1-3


Thursday 20th

Immigration Museum


Friday 21st

Last day of Term 3

School finishes at 2.30pm

Prep Transition Dates

Tuesday 16th October 9:15 - 11am - Meet the buddies session

Tuesday 30th October 9:15 - 11am-Optional parent session -stay and play

Tuesday 13th November - Stepping Up to School Parent Information evening inlcuding buddy BBQ Come along and meet your child's buddy and their family 

Tuesday 11th December - Half Day Step Up to school 9:15am - 1pm

Term 3:  16 July to 21 September

Term 4:  8 October to 21 December