Principal's Report
District Athletics
Our students in years 4, 5 and 6 did a fantastic job representing our school at the district athletics last Thursday. Despite a rainy start weather wise it turned into a beautiful day and everyone had a great time and tried their best.
Think U Know
Today our year 3-6 students participated in a Think U Know session with two police officers. They were very informative and the students asked a lot of questions. It was great to get a different perspective on being safe online.
Teaching staff
We have had a challenging time lately getting our staff replaced when they are ill or when circumsatnces arise. There is a shortage of replacement staff in Victoria. I just wanted to reassure everyone that we ensure the continuity of classroom programs when teachers are absent. Even if your children come home and talk about being split they are still working in other classes. When the class are doing reading, writing and maths so do the students who are in those classes. That is certainly a benefit of having small class sizes as it causes minimal impact on others and learning can continue.
Sunsmart Time
Our school SunSmart policy requires students to wear hats outdoors from September 1st to April 30th during the school day. Please make sure that your child has an approved school hat to wear at school. Additional school hats may be purchased from the school office. Please make sure your child’s name is clearly written inside their hat.
Don’t Lose It, Use It
Our second hand uniforms are stocking up andreceiving a constant supply of jackets, generously donated by families of the school as they are unlabelled or poorly labelled. The lost property cupboard is very well stocked with jumpers and jackets at the moment.
Please ensure you have clearly labelled all items of clothing so that it can be easily identified and returned to your child as soon as possible. We suggest that items of property such as jackets and jumpers can be labelled by purchasing iron on labels from companies such as Stuck On You. It is a small cost compared to the price of a new jacket. The other benefit is that if you mention to Stuck On You that you are from Upper Ferntree Gully Primary School it gives a 20% commission on full priced stock:
Footy Day Friday
This Friday is Footy day. Hot Dogs can still be ordered. Don't forget to wear your footy colours and activities will be organised for classes.
Victorian State School Spectacular
Our Choir and Dancers are heading off for the big rehearsals at Melbourne Arena this Thursday and Friday. They then have the big show on Saturday. We wish them all luck as it is a very tiring week. It is such a great experience for our students, as it is such a massive event. Chloe and Alex from year 6 have been working as back stage crew and are learning some amazing skills to do with lighting and stage management.
Have a great week everyone.