Assistant Principal's Report

Parent, Student and Teacher Interviews

Parents should also note that Interim Reports were published on Tuesday (10th September) in preparation for the Student, Parent and Teacher Interviews, which will be conducted on Wednesday, September 18 from 12 noon to 7:30.  With this in mind, parent(s)/guardian(s) and students should be having conversations about student progress and, based on these talks, arranging interviews with teachers.  To book an interview with a teacher, simply open your Parent Compass Homepage and click on the Book Parent Student Teacher Conference option.   We encourage all parents and students to take advantage of this opportunity to discuss student progress thus far.


Subject Selections for 2020 

During the last week both the Year 8 and Year 9 cohorts have attended Information Sessions that will enable them to select electives for their curriculum program in 2020.  In both instances students should be discussing their options with parents and/or guardians and returning these signed Selections Forms to their respective Engagement and Wellbeing Coordinators.  From these preferences the final blocks will be determined and students will select subjects for next year.







With the holidays approaching parents and students have an opportunity to bring out the summer uniform in anticipation of warmer weather.  As is the case with all items of uniform, the latter should be neat and tidy and, if need be, repaired.  Whilst most students consistently wear their correct uniform, some students persist in wearing PE uniform on non-PE days or incorrect items.  To address this behaviour, we will continue with regular uniform inspections during Term 4.  We urge all students to wear correct uniform and thank parents for their support in this matter.


With the term quickly drawing to an end, we hope that students have worked productively and are satisfied with their achievements.  The publication of Interim Reports, Interviews this week and a two week vacation provides ample time to reflect on current efforts and to plan for a better Term 4.  We hope that all students and parents/guardians enjoy a safe break and returned refreshed.


Graeme Scott 

Assistant Principal