We are confident, capable and competent

Being Independent at School

I am getting big now and I am learning to manage by myself. Here is a list of the skills we are encouraging your child to develop.

  • I carry my own bag.
  • I know how to unzip and zip up my bag.
  • I check my hat and drink bottle are in my bag every morning
  • I can open and close my lunch box and the containers inside.
  • I know the foods that are good for my strong body.
  • I know which food to eat at healthy eating time, at recess and which food is for lunch.
  • I can easily identify my belongings because they have my name on them.
  • I have input into what goes in my lunch box.
  • I know it important to eat breakfast.
  • I know the morning routines at school- put bag in locker, unpack belongings, sign in and choose a discovery time activity.
  • I can ask a friend then a teacher for help if I need it.
  • I can manage my own clothes e.g. taking off a jumper and put it in my bag.
  • I can take my shoes off and put them back on when appropriate.
  • I am independent at managing my toileting.
  • I can manage change and I am flexible in my thinking.
  • I have a happy and positive disposition towards our learning.
  • I know I need a big sleep at night time.

Having Happy Goodbyes

Sometimes saying goodbye and separating in the morning can be tricky and emotional.  Attached is a document that contains some very useful tips to help support this process. Having and sticking to a plan is vital and keeping goodbyes short and this will reduce the build up of anxious feelings and keep our mornings positive and confident. 


The Reception students share the toilets that are attached to the Rowell building. We understand that managing the toilet can be tricky and that accidents may happen. If you haven't already please have a conversation with your child about how to use the toilets appropriately and check:

  • Can your child undress and dress themselves?
  • Can they wipe themselves?
  • Can they flush the toilet?

As you will understand teachers cannot physically help your child when toileting, however can support them by talking them through the process.