Music Notes

DP music night

by Karoline Kuti, teacher of Music


On Monday 17 June the Years 11 and 12 students performed their solo repertoire for each other, parents and teachers. The night was filled with a wonderful mix of European music by composers such as Vivaldi, Haydn and Bartok, to South American Villa Lobos and Piazzolla, to American Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Each student performed with professionalism, skill and a deep sense of respect for the music that they were playing.



The incredible hard work and dedication to mastering the technical skill required of each performer was obvious. Musicians took risks, gave it their all and performed with charisma. The atmosphere in the room was one of excitement, seriousness and caring support of one another. A truly lovely way to spend a Monday evening!

Carnival of dangerous creatures

by Karoline Kuti, teacher of Music


In the brilliant sunshine on Thursday 13 June, the Years 7 and 8 ventured into the city to Hamer Hall to hear the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra perform Carnival of Dangerous Creatures.


We learnt all about the ways in which the timbre/tone colour of the various instruments are used to portray different animals. For example, the bear was represented by the tuba and the scorpion by the whole brass section. We also heard music inspired by climate change data research, recorded material and video footage.


The power of music to express, communicate and bring awareness to social issues was made very obvious through the explanation of timbre/tone colour. The session was inspiring for all of us.

2019 Preshil Production: "We Will Rock You!"

Five performances between 7 - 10 August. Tickets on sale now through trybooking.

Instrumental music program Term 3

Places are available across a variety of instruments. If your child is interested in joining our program, please see below the handbook for terms and conditions and forward your completed contract to the office.