Office Oracle

Semester one reports

Tomorrow, Thursday 20 June, Semester One reports will be available to parents on Compass. If you experience difficulties accessing your child's report, please don't hesitate to contact the office for assistance.

From the office of Bryce McLean, business manager

Invoices for Term 3 tuition should by now have reached one parent’s email inbox. If you have not yet seen this, or very recently changed your email address, please contact


With the tax year end fast approaching, we remind parents of the School Building Fund that gratefully accepts tax deductible donations. The continued upgrade of the School building facilities over recent years can be attributed to the generosity of past and current parents. Your donation can be added to your Term 3 payment, or remitted separately by


MITS program

We are delighted to announce that a Preshil family has volunteered to host Gigi Burarrawanga-Wilson (Year 8) during his time with us!


Many thanks to everyone who has contacted the School and offered to take Gigi on weekend day trips, to footy training, etc. It’s much appreciated, and we will definitely be getting in touch with you throughout the next semester.


If you are keen to help Gigi feel more at home at Preshil and strengthen the School’s partnership with MITS (Melbourne Indigenous Transition School), please get in touch to let us know your availability/hobbies/interests by emailing and we can let you know all the ways you can help out.

Holiday office hours

The office will be closed during the middle week of the school holidays. If you require assistance any time during the three-week break, please leave a message on the switchboard or email and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.

Au revoir Preshil!

Retiring is certainly bitter/sweet! On the one hand I am very excited to spend time pursuing other interests - travel, family, volunteer work and simply taking time out to "smell the roses" - but on the other hand there is no doubt, after nearly 20 years, I will miss my working life at Preshil, so dear to my heart.

Thank you for all your well wishes, and I do hope to meet up on occasion at one of the many school events.

Next newsletter

The next edition of the Secondary School newsletter will be published on 24 July. To read previous issues or our Arlington and Alumni issues visit the iNewsletter Library here.