Student Services

Term 1 has been a hive of activity in Student Services. We are currently providing quality welfare and learning support programs on a daily basis. These include:

Learning Support

Our school SLSOs, Lesley Coote, Darnell Jenkins Josh Wilcher and Dan Rogers have been working tirelessly under the guidance of our wonderful Learning and Support Teacher (LaST), Janelle Wilkinson.

Mrs Lesley Coote
Mr Dan Rogers
Mr Darnell Jenkins
Mrs Janelle Wilkinson
Mr Josh Wilcher
Mrs Lesley Coote
Mr Dan Rogers
Mr Darnell Jenkins
Mrs Janelle Wilkinson
Mr Josh Wilcher


Their aim is to ensure all students achieve their academic best, particularly those with a disability or any student experiencing hardship. They also provide extensive support for all Year 11 and 12 students by way of supervised study sessions in the library. This occurs every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon where one on one assistance with assessment tasks and homework is available.


Helen Lamont is our specialist Year 8 LaST. She is working with as many students as possible on Monday and Tuesday only.

Social Support Groups

Chaplaincy programs

Melanie Gould, our school chaplain, facilitates weekly self-esteem and resiliency groups called Shine and Strength. She also coordinates a wonderful Life Skills Cooking class once a week for students who need a little extra support. The school would like to acknowledge our local Soroptimist Club for their generous sponsorship of this program. We are also very pleased to announce that Mel will work with our students for an extra day per week for the remainder of the year.

Top Blokes

Top Blokes continues to be a popular program running every week with our Year 9 and 10 boys. Thanks to our great mentors who support our boys, Kevin and Dylan. This program will continue throughout next term.


Creating Chances

Creating Chances is a new sport program introduced this year. 20 Year 8 boys work with three mentors that come to our school every Thursday morning. The boys learn about themselves through self-reflection recognising their strengths. Teamwork skills, positive communication and leadership are key elements of the program.


We are very proud of the students who have participated in these groups this term. They have shown enthusiasm and positivity each week.

Grip Leadership Day

Mr Wright and I had the privilege of taking 8 Year 11 students to the GRIP Leadership Conference at Western Sydney University earlier this term. Our students collaborated with those from other schools and engaged in critical thinking about the role of student leadership. Since the conference, the Year 11 students have presented to Mr Backhouse, Ms Kostalas and Ms Bath on future directions for student leadership at Henry Kendall High School. Congratulations to these students on their efforts and passion for wanting to make a positive contribution to our school. The students are Angel Gould, Jasmine Potter, Priyansh Gupta, Holly Miller, Siobhan Wilby, Katalena Abarca, Oliver Worrad and Thomas Whelan.

And finally, a few reminders:

  • Please don’t forget to inform the school of any change of address or contact details, particularly phone numbers.
  • If your child develops any illness that may affect their learning, please inform your child’s Year Adviser.

Any Year 11 students applying for Special Provisions for the HSC, this would include learning and physical disabilities, and mental health, see Mrs Wilkinson in Student Services as soon as possible to obtain the NESA paperwork.

YAM is Coming in Term 2

YAM (Youth Aware of Mental Health) is a program aimed at addressing the mental health needs of young people. It involves discussion and role play and aims to get young people involved and talking about mental health. By doing this young people will learn problem solving skills and gain knowledge about mental health.


This is a free program for all Year 9 students. The Department of Education has funded all costs associated with the YAM program.


There are 6 themes addressed in the program:

  • What is mental health?
  • Self-help advice
  • Stress and crisis
  • Depression and suicidal thoughts
  • Helping a friend in need?
  • Who can I ask for advice?

This Department of Education program is calling for parent volunteers to assist in the delivery across various schools on the Central Coast. 

Please note: parents who volunteer will not be able to do so at their child's school due to confidentiality.

Further information will be sent home to all Year 9 students early Term 2. Parental permission will also be sought for student participation in a YAM research survey coordinated by Blackdog Institute.

Mrs Tracy Smith

Head Teacher Student Services