Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
The Learning Mentor
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing is at the heart and core of everything we do here at St Joseph’s College. Pastoral Care is important to the holistic success of our students and includes engagement with learning, relationships with others and the ability to be critical and creative thinkers. Our team is one of the largest in the College and consists of Learning Mentors, House Leaders, Directors, College Leaders, Social Workers and Koori Education Support Officers. Each of these key stakeholders play an integral role in your child’s time here at the College.
Our Learning Mentors have one of the most important roles in the school and encapsulates our desire for students to have a sense of belonging, pride and connection. The Learning Mentor is the constant, the ‘go to’ person and the first point of call for both students and parents and their ability to build relationships with our students and families shows commitment, diligence and dedication. Each Learning Mentor Group is unique and has its own way of functioning on a day to day basis.
The Learning Mentor creates a classroom environment where each individual feels
accepted, valued and stimulated to further growth and thriving, and can also foster Christian attitudes towards themselves and others. The Learning Mentor advocates for the students entrusted to their care and ensures they have access to all learning and extra-curricular opportunities.
Some of our Learning Mentors were recently given the opportunity to reflect on what it means to be a Learning Mentor and share some of their insights and thoughts, what it looks like in the morning and their highlights and/or achievements with their students.
Here are some of their comments below:
"It is a huge privilege to be the first staff member each day to have contact with these wonderful people. It is also special to know that I have the ability to call things out in people, for example, the leadership potential in some of my students."
"For me, it is about being a child’s cheerleader and helping them to succeed in all aspects of their life at the College. It is about having the student's back and having the student at the centre of the whole school experience."
"Knowing that I am the go-to person for a group of students’ pastoral wellbeing is an immense responsibility and it's difficult to express in words how lucky I feel to be in this position. I look forward to going to work every single morning, because all of my days begin with these fantastic and unique young humans."
Students were also asked about their experiences in Learning Mentor each morning. Being a vertical system, this allows students to interact with other year levels and develop relationships to further enhance their social, emotional and learning journey at the College. This also builds a level of trust between students and their peers and staff members associated with their respective Houses.
Please read their comments below:
"I enjoy going to LM and seeing familiar faces. We often catch up with each other, have conversations and go through what is happening for the day and week ahead."
"I like how everyone sits together, it’s really inclusive and easy-going. There is no silence, everyone is communicating with each other. We have forced fun on Fridays which means we have games and we also have footy tipping as a whole House."
"In LM we play hurdle and wordle. This gets everyone involved and participation levels are high. Our LM checks in on how our day was yesterday and asks how everyone is doing."
It is important to note that support is one of the key themes here. At St Joseph’s College our support networks begin with the Learning Mentor and move beyond or broaden as the need arises. It is our job, as a College, to support your child through their teenage years and assist them in navigating the challenges and pressures that our young people face today. This is part of our story, our mission and our core values.
Finally, it is important to remember that we are all in this together.
On behalf of the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Team, we would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Easter and a restful break. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Jarrod O’Brien
Director - Kildare Campus