Principal's Page 

Dear Families,


I love my mum because...

  • she gives me hugs - Indigo
  • she is nice to me - Aleesha
  •  she takes me to Yawa every single Saturday - Joe
  • she does everything for me, lots of work - Ned
  • she helps me out - Evie

We look forward to celebrating the wonderful mum's in our community, this coming Friday. We have had a terrific response and look forward to the mums enjoying a lovely breakfast, served by their children. There will be two sittings, 7:50 and 8:20am. Thank you to Cable in Sorrento for donating two generous $100 vouchers for lucky door prizes for two lucky mums. 


A Mother's Day Stall will be held on Thursday morning. Students will need to bring money to school in an envelope with their name on it. Gifts range between $3 - $10. Thank you to Zoe for organising this again this year. 


Congratulations to Monica Smith and her husband Sam on the safe arrival of beautiful Noah, born on Saturday morning. We wish them all every happiness and hope Monica enjoys her first Mother's Day.


FIRE Carrier Garden

Our FIRE Carrier Garden is proving to be a popular area of the school yard. Thank you to Jane Byrne, for leading this project. All students were highly engaged throughout Lionel's presentation and Cleansing Ceremony. Our new 2023 FIRE Carrier Student Leaders are: Shataya, Corbin, Tahlia, Billie and Seb. They will be commissioned at the beginning of Reconciliation Week on Friday 26 May.


Sorrento Writers Festival

We were extremely fortunate to be a part of the Sorrento Writers Festival School's Program. Thirteen authors and illustrators presented to our students over the two days. The presentations were extremely engaging. Thank you to Corrie Perkins, the festival director, for including us and the sponsors who supported the School Program.


Cross Country

Thank you to Jacqui Hayes, staff and parent volunteers for our successful Whole School Cross Country Event. It was fantastic to see most students participating and challenging themselves. Good luck to all the students representing our school at the District Cross Country event.


There will be no assembly next week  (17/5) due to the cross country event.





The sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated by Bishop Tony Ireland on Sunday 21 May. All 5/6 students will participate in a Reflection Day at All Smiles Sorrento at the back beach on Tuesday 16 May followed by a family evening at 5:30pm back at school in 5/6 learning space.


 Grandparent and Special Friend Day

Grandparent/Special Friend Day will be held on  Wednesday 24 May from 9:00 - 11:00am. The day will begin with mass at 9:00am, then activities in the learning spaces before a well deserved morning tea in the hall.


Oak's Day Ladies Luncheon

The Oak's Day function is a wonderful opportunity for the ladies in our community to come together. We are looking for a team of people to help with organising this event. If you are interested in assisting, please email me. It would be a shame for this event not to take place.


Football & Netball Training

We have noticed several students walking to football and netball training on a Wednesday afternoon. and some confusion around collection and supervision of students. Please inform teachers, by a quick email, if your child has permission to walk unsupervised to training. It is not the school staff's responsibility but rather the onus is on parents. If your child is walking down on their own or in a group, please ensure that they are confident with crossing the road at pedestrian crossings  and are aware of 'Stranger Danger.'



Enrolments are open for 2024. There will be an Information Evening for all parents of prospective enrolments on Wednesday 7 June at 5:00pm.


School Fees

There are several families with outstanding school fees. Term One and Term Two fees are now due. Please play at your earliest convenience or contact the office if you need to discuss this further.


Enjoy your week and Mother's Day,
