Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

Last Friday's 'Dance around the World' event provided a great end to Harmony Week!  Thank you to those families who came along to support students with their presentation and to join in the fun! A big thank you to Dagogo and the team at Nikki Visaj Movement, together with Falls Creek Primary School, in helping us to provide this opportunity for our students.

Thank you also to everyone for their support of our casual dress day fundraiser.  A total of $157.55 was raised from this event, which is a great result!

Our Year 3-6 Cluster Athletics are on Monday! Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to assist with this event.  We really appreciate your support and couldn't do it without you! Due to the timing, we will not have an assembly on Monday morning and volunteers are asked to please meet Steph and Joel at the Athletics oval at 9am, to help set up the events.  


Students will walk over to the oval, with their classes, after the roll has been taken.  Everyone is encouraged to come dressed in their house colours and to bring a raincoat and change of clothes and footwear in case of damp conditions.  Students will also need to wear their school hat.  A big thank you to Steph for all her organisation and coordination of what is sure to be another great event! 



This week our Easter Raffle was launched with three great prizes on offer.  A huge thank you to Amanda for her organisation, Heath and Jude for cutting and supplying the firewood for our grand prize, Rob, Mark, DC and Bruce for their time and effort in splitting the wood and to Brad for the loan of his trailer.  There is no doubt that this will be a much coveted prize!  Many thanks also to Foodworks, Ski Plus, Coles Wodonga and Bunnings for their donations of vouchers and Easter Eggs for our Hampers.  These are all great prizes and we are really hoping to sell as many tickets as we can to help raise funds toward the resurfacing of our basketball/netball courts and assembly areas.  We appreciate your support with this and ask that all tickets and money needs to be returned to school by end of school, Tuesday 4th April.


Next Friday, to celebrate the last day of school and to raise funds for Cancer, the SRC will be running a 'Crazy Hair Day' for a gold coin donation.


Families are invited to apply for CSEF funding through the following link. Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF): Resources |  if you have not applied already or have been rolled over from previous years. 

To qualify for this funding families, need to have a Health Care card (Or other concession card) as their main eligibility requirement. 

We encourage families who can, to take up this program of $125/student to go towards costings of camps and excursions for their children.

Applications remain open for this year until the 23rd June 2023.