Grade 5/6

Term 2

What a fabulous start we have had to Term 2! On Monday 24th April, we decided to bake some ANZAC biscuits with the students, after reading and analysing the book, ANZAC Biscuits. As the teachers did a demonstration, the students were to write down the ingredients and steps. We then invited Mr Webber down to our rooms after recess, and following the students steps, he joined in on the fun making his own batch of biscuits (he was even a good sport and wore a pink 'apron'!). As the biscuits baked in the oven, a delicious smell filled the air, and to our delight, they tasted just as good!


At 10:45am, the ACPS students and staff (as well as a couple of parents) gathered outside for our ANZAC Ceremony, where we learnt about some of the animals in the war. We were lucky enough to see a 'soldier' (thanks Candis!!) on a horse and Zeus, accompanied by his owner, Don.

We would like to acknowledge the exemplary behaviour shown by our students during the ceremony, which was noted by a number of people in attendance. Well done 5/6s; you certainly led by example!


Storybox Library

All of the books that we have read this week in class have an ANZAC theme. You can access all of them by clicking on this link: Storybox Library.

Username: acps2022

Password: acreek


Important Reminders:

-Application for Year 7 Placement 2024 Forms need to be returned by Friday 12th May to Russell Smith.

-Interschool Sports begins on Thursday 4th May.

- Currawong Bush Park School Program excursion on Friday 5th May. Please refer to the Compass event for further details.

***If you are able to help drive some of the students to and from the event on the day, please let your child's teacher know ASAP.***