Foundation (Prep)
Welcome to Term 2!
Foundation (Prep)
Welcome to Term 2!
It is so wonderful to have everyone back in the classroom. I have been impressed with how everyone has embraced their new specialist routine so quickly and how they have refocused on their learning.
During Reader's Workshop this week, I have introduced the students to visualisation. The children have done a terrific job making pictures in their mind and illustrating their thoughts as I read passages of text.
Students have had the opportunity to log on to Reading Eggs on the iPads to complete some independent reading tasks. The children are gaining confidence with logging in and out and navigating their way around the reading program.
Thank you to all families for supporting the children at home with learning their Magic Words. I had the opportunity to touch base with each student this week to see how they were going and I was so pleased with their focus and enthusiasm.
You will continue to hear the children coming home with new chants they have learnt. This week we added a digraph (two letters which make one sound). As a class, the children brainstormed an impressive list of words in which they could hear the 'ar' sound.
'Be a star - ar, ar, ar'
Topics covered in mathematics this term will include counting, making ten, addition and subtraction. We revisited some counting tasks to consolidate our learning and will be ready to build on this knowledge from next week.
Our Inquiry topic this term is called Staying Alive. The unit will focus on:
What things can you do to keep yourself healthy?
How does your body work?
How do we change as we get older?
The students completed a pre-assessment task this week to demonstrate their understanding at the start of the unit. We will return to this same task at the end of the term and have a look at just how much we've learnt.
I'd like to welcome Holly Euston to our classroom. Holly is from Victoria University and is completing a 2-week teaching placement. We have appreciated her willingness to help and join in our activities.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Callaway