Grade 5/6

Mr Wright and Mr Ward


Dynamic - Active - Safe - Healthy

Carol is from Blue Light Victoria and is here to lead a program called ‘DASH’ for our class. Carol will be coming to our classroom every week, for 8 weeks, to lead some fun and interactive sessions all about community and the role that students could play in making it better. Students will be playing games, creating things, watching videos, and having some great discussions.


The best thing about D-A-S-H is that in different weeks, students will be given the chance to meet different community leaders and ask them questions about their role. For example, they'll get to meet police officers, firies, people who manage the environment, people who look after animals etc. That’s because one of the main goals of DASH is that we want them to really understand and know their community better.


The other main goal of the program is to hear the students opinions and for them to know that they matter – we want to know what’s important to them, what they think the problems are in their local community and give them the opportunity to do something about them.


Our first session was last Thursday, we were lucky enough to have Jaeben (Fire Forrest Officer), Kate (Paramedic), Andrew & Dayle from Avoca Police