Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Miss Stephan, Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!

Special help from Mr Reid, Mr Hayward, Mrs Harrison and Miss Judy.

Welcome back to school for Term 2! We are all really excited to be back (some of us more than others!). We have been settling back into our learning spaces and getting back into our classroom routines. This week, we have started doing the pre-reading for our new text ‘The Elves and The Shoemakers’. Our new vocabulary words are: examined, constantly, concealed, intense, and astonished. In Maths we are looking at time, and the relationship between addition and subtraction. Last term, we finished our integrated studies projects on our explorers, and this term we are doing ‘The Blue Marble’ and looking at the Earth, eco systems, and life cycles. 


On Friday we held our cross country run. Everyone who was able to participate gave it their all, and we were very impressed with everyone’s effort and attitude. Congratulations to those students who placed, and good luck to those who are representing our school at Districts.



Last week, we said goodbye to Miss Judy who is moving on to teach at a new school, we wish her all the best in her teaching career and miss her already.