Student Wellbeing

Harmony Week - Everyone Belongs at Greenhills
Harmony Week is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and the successful integration of migrants into our community. At Greenhills we celebrated Harmony Day by acknowledging the diversity of cultures that form our community.
Our community is made up from many different heritage groups and we discussed that many of our students are bi-lingual and have experienced their early years growing up within a different culture.
Below are examples of the languages spoken at home by families in our community.
Mandarin - 31.58%
Persian - 13.16%
Cantonese - 13.16%
Chinese - 13.16%
Italian - 5.26%
Macedonian - 5.26%
Spanish - 5.26%
Tamil - 5.26%
Vietnamese - 2.63%
Korean -2.63%
Kannada 1 student -2.63%
On Harmony Day our students were asked to consider why everyone belongs at Greenhills and how we can work towards a more respectful society. Below is a snapshot of work some of our Year levels did on Harmony Day.
Year 2 students wrote about why belonging is important to wellbeing.
Year 3 students presented about their cultural heritage.
Year 6 students completed Harmony Day Poetry. Below are some examples of their work:
The sun rises everywhere,
as everyone comes together
with happiness,
we all celebrate.
with each other
Cooper 6BS
The colour of autumn leaves spread the streets,
People happy and cheerful,
Everyone belongs together,
No matter the differences,
In this world today.
Stella 6BS
As the sun rises above the clouds,
We all come together as one,
The sky is filled with an orange gaze,
The people and cities are filled with love,
We are grateful to be together.
Lucas 6BS
One of our school values is Respect and this includes respecting and acknowledging diversity. We value differences and this is what continues to make our school a GREAT place to be.
Janine and Brad.