Round 6: Friday 31st March 2023
Greenhills A VS Apollo A – AWAY
Time: | Sport: | Venue: |
9.30am-10.30am approx. | Basketball | Apollo Parkways PS |
Cricket | Diamond Hills Reserve | |
Hot Shots | Apollo Parkways PS | |
Rounders | Apollo Parkways PS | |
Volleyball | Apollo Parkways PS |
Greenhills B VS Diamond Creek East – AWAY
Time: | Sport: | Venue: |
9.30am-10.30am approx. | Basketball | Community Bank Stadium |
Cricket | Wattle Glen War Memorial Park | |
Hot Shots | NA | |
Rounders | Diamond Creek East PS | |
Volleyball | Diamond Creek East PS |
Congratulations to Anna Y (3AK) and Andy Y (3RM), who competed at the Victorian Metro All Junior Swimming Championships.
Andy achieved fourth place in the 8&U 50M backstroke and fifth place in the 50M breaststroke, while Anna achieved fifth place in 8&U 50M butterfly.
Well done 💪🏼! Keep on making a splash in the pool!
If your child achieves something special (grand final win, most valuable player award, best and fairest etc.), please email me ( through photos and an overview of the achievement to post in Contact. It is important to celebrate and recognise such successes with the school community.
Thank you,
Jordan Daley
Why create Rites of Passage?
At some stage all of our children will become young adults. Having worked for nearly 20 years as an Emergency Medicine Doctor I know that the event that marks this critical transition can be anywhere from a joyous and positive family celebration to a disastrous and damaging episode from which they may never fully recover.
Indigenous and traditional communities have for thousands of years created ceremonies to support major life transitions, the most important of which is the entry into young adulthood. Unfortunately, we have abandoned this custom and instead allow our kids to create their own Rites of Passage through excessive alcohol, schoolies, losing their virginity and many other inappropriate high risk episodes that can include car accidents, drug overdoses or self-harm.
With a rise in Youth Mental Health issues and a desire by more and more parents to protect and support the mental health of children there has been a huge increase in the number of families and schools looking at ways to bring back healthy Rites of Passage.
What kids need.
The benefits of healthy and properly run Rites of Passage should include:
• Having a strong sense of Belonging
• Feeling Safe and Supported
• Gaining critical 21st Century Life Skills including Resilience and Emotional Intelligence
• A clear sense of Self and Purpose
• Healthy Family Relationships
How to create healthy Rites of Passage
The structure of a Rite of Passage is consistent in all communities around the world. However, the way it is presented will differ according to the community in which it takes place. It is possible to use our knowledge of this structure in an appropriate way for our kids in our communities.
A healthy Rite of Passage will first involve creating a set time and a specific place. It may happen on a school camp, a family holiday or at a camp. Importantly there must be a clear intention to set up a process that marks and acknowledges your kid moving to a new stage in their life. Ideally elders from the family and community are present.
The following four elements are key to the success of this process
- Using stories from elders as a way of passing on wisdom and knowledge as well as to build community
- Supporting the kid going through the Rite of Passage to create a vision about what sort of adult they want to become and how they want to live in the future. This includes them naming things they need to let go of in their lives for this to happen.
- Creating a challenge that pushes them beyond their normal boundaries but is safe and appropriate
- Recognising and naming the gifts and talents that we see in this kid.
Finally, it is vital that the family and community recognise that the kid is now a young adult and will be expected to act differently but should also be treated differently and not like they were as a young child.
Here’s the critical thing:
Regardless of the age of your child, start NOW to think about what Rites of Passage your child could participate in as they mature to adulthood. Some families take their 16-year-old on a special trip. Others make it a father-son or daddy-daughter camp. Some have church or religious ceremonies. Others rely on cultural traditions. A quick google can offer you some inspiration. But what matters most is how you plan for it, and how you communicate its relevance and importance to your child.
Healthy Rites of Passage are life changing events and one of the most important and significant gifts you can give your child. They can be seen as a way of building healthy communities to keep kids safe and bring out the best and unique potential that exists within each of them.
We are having an Easter raffle and would greatly appreciate your donations.
There is a box in the office for donations eg. Chocolates, crafts or easter related goodies!!
Looking forward to this special celebration.
Tickets were sent home last week and more are available at the office if you require them.
Term 1 Week 9 - Presented at Assembly 6th April.
Hunter M | Prep BH | For always entering the classroom with a BIG smile and a positive attitude to learning. Hunter, I love the way you give everything a go. Even when things are hard, you never give up! You are a SUPERSTAR! |
Amiya K | Prep BZ | Amiya you are a ray of sunshine in Prep BZ! I love how you always show so much respect to others and how you always put so much effort into everything that you do. Keep up the amazing work! |
Tom T | Prep SM | For being such an enthusiastic learner! I love the way you are always joining in our class discussions and helping out your friends when you are finished. Keep up the great work! |
Sebastian F | 1GC | For being an awesome mathematician! Seb, you are always putting in so much effort into your maths and I can see how much you love it! Keep up the enthusiasm! |
Leo C | 1KO | For being a perfect example of someone who shows our Greenhills values! Leo, you are a superstar who is always looking to help others and challenging yourself to be your best, even when it is tricky. Well done you! |
Ned | 2AD | For coming to school each day being ready to learn! You have been a reflective learner and have been making great choices to be the best learner you can be. Keep up the amazing work, Ned! |
Norris L | 2JM | For being such a fantastic, hard worker during classtime. Norris manages to get high quality work done each session and find time for a bit of giggling. Well done Norris. |
Zoe L | 2LO | For your enthusiasm and hardwork during our narrative writing sessions! Zoe, your excitement during writing inspires us all and I have loved reading your detailed narrative so far. You are a superstar! |
Jayla B | 3AK | Congratulations on your positive attitude and bravery in presenting your oral presentation about your cultural heritage, to the class. You overcame your nerves and presented a most informative explanation of your Nonni’s homemade gnocchi. |
Alexia P | 3MH | For your magnificent presentation about Greece during Harmony Week. You spoke confidently and were well prepared with informative slides and interesting artifacts to share. We loved seeing your traditional dress and learning about celebrations, language and food. Congratulations Alexia, you make a wonderful teacher! |
Harper T | 3RM | For delivering such a comprehensive oral report on Ireland, the country from which your family originated. You were very prepared, had lots to show and we all enjoyed the Soda Bread with Irish butter. Congratulations on your public speaking skills, knowledgeable answers to questions and the way you enthusiastically presented. |
Ashton C | 4DS | For the effort you demonstrated in Reciprocal Reading. Ashton, it was GREAT to see you applying the Story Summarising strategy to summarise chapter 4 of The Wild Way Home. Keep it up! |
Lena | 4IH | For being such a hard working and respecful member of our class. I love the way that you are always willing to help others and contribute during class discussions. You also did a great job at your Student Agancy Conferences. Well done Lena! |
Josie | 4JR | For being such a valued member of the class. Josie, you have done such a great job this term. You should be proud of the effort and work you have accomplished. |
Emma | 4TW | What a fantastic job you did with your Student Agancy Conference. You spoke so confidently and really showed you have a great understanding of your learning. Wonderful job! |
Aidan K | 5BC | For always being such a kind, respectful and caring friend. You are a role model to others. Keep it up! |
Heidi K | 5SM | For being such a valued member of the classroom. You are always willing to share your thoughts and opinions and are so respectful to everyone around you. Super proud of you legend! |
Shiloh M | 6BS | Shiloh, I have been so impressed by the effort you are showing in all of your learning! I have been particularly impressed by your thought provoking Reader's Notebook entries. Keep challenging yourself, you are a star! |
Talya F | 6LR | For the way you navigated and participated during camp and the fantastic research you are doing for your Spina bifida project. Fabulous work! |
Stephanie C | 6TS | Your poetry has blown me away! I can see your passion for nature shining through in your emotion provoking poetry. |
CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
The annual CSEF amount per student is: $125 for primary school students.
New applicants should complete the attached form or contact the school office to obtain a copy. If you applied for CSEF at GHPS in 2022, you do not need to complete an application form this year unless there has been a change in your family circumstances. You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:
- new student enrolments: your child has started or changed schools this year.
- changed family circumstances, such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing this year.
Check with the school office if you are unsure. Applications need to be submitted no later than 23rd June 2023. Any queries, contact the office.