Junior School

The Lord bless you and keep you;the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.


What a beautiful blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26. This is certainly the blessing that we as a staff pray for our families at King’s College. It is also one that we have been praying for Eden Agnew who was married in the school holidays! Eden’s name is now Mrs Eden Romero. We congratulate her on her marriage and pray for God’s richest blessing on her and her husband as they begin their new chapter. Thank you to the Prep families and children who made this gift for Mrs Romero on her return to school.


Alex Burgess

Head of Junior School

Year 1

This week our Year 1 students took on the role of a town planner as part of their iMaths Investigation. They designed and constructed the perfect town. Aspects of the community needs were considered as they worked in small groups to plan, design and construct a 3D model. We have also focused on Recount Writing and as a class wrote about the Cross Country Run:


On Tuesday we had our School Cross Country. First we ran around the boat. Next we ran around the boat. Next we ran around the big tree. Then we ran to the soccer nets. After that we ran to the finish line. It was wet and it rained while we were running.
By Year 1


Kerry Snook

Year 1 Teacher

Year 2

Term 2 has kicked off strong amongst the Year 2's as we dove into our new Humanities inquiry topic ‘Our Wonderful World’, experimented with liquids and attempted to make some ice-cream, and partook in the Cross Country this week. Here are some of the Year 2's highlights from Cross Country:


I had lots of fun running in the rain and I was happy to cheer on my friends. - Olivia
My favourite bit was helping people when they were out of breath. - Henry
I liked running in the rain because it gave me more of a challenge and it made me run faster to the very end. - Joey
My favourite part was beating my best time. I also came 5th. - Luke
My favourite part of Cross Country was that I got to cheer on other classes. - Mollie


Alissa Griffin

Year 2 Teacher

Year 3

The Year 3 students got stuck into a new Maths onvestigation last week called "What's in 1000 Words?" This was a number-oriented investigation which gives students the opportunity to explore the use of numbers in our lives. Estimation is an important mathematical skill which students practiced in a realistic way. They each developed an estimation strategy to find 1000 words on a newspaper page. Then they worked on finding the area in square centimeters that these 1000 words took up. Investigations can be challenging and I am very impressed by the perseverance and focus these Year 3 students have shown. Mathematicians at work!


Carolyn McDonald

Year 3 Teacher

Year 4

Year 4 have been discussing 'What Matters to Me?, thinking about what is important in their lives and what they value. They enjoyed being creative and drawing pictures about this which will be displayed for everyone to see.


Christie Stephen

Junior School Teacher

Junior School Art

Our Junior Art students have been learning about Portrait painting. For many ages, man has been fascinated by portraiture. First we learned about drawing faces and proportion, then we learned how to mix colours to get skin tones. Finally, we added the background. 


Throughout the process, we watched and talked about the story of You Are Special by Max Lucado. The main concept shared here is that as Christians, we need to continually meet with our maker, our Father God, in order to be reminded of how special we are. David the Psalmist wrote “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” which still rings true today. 


If you visit their exhibits along the Junior School passage I'm sure you'll agree that our students first portraits remind us that they are very talented, special and we appreciate how they contribute eagerly to our school and our world.


Andrea Greene

Junior School Art Teacher