Year 6

What a fantastic start we have had to Term 2! 


On day 1, after the 2-week break, the Year 6s presented their annual ANZAC Day Ceremony to all students, staff, special guests and parents. Although some students were quite nervous to speak in front of a large audience, they felt well supported and encouraged by all those in attendance. We were incredibly proud of the way the students spoke in front of their audience – they stood with confidence and spoke clearly, delivering their messages about our ANZACs and acknowledging the contribution and suffering of all those who have served.

Once again, our very special guest, Mr Grant Coultman-Smith delivered an interesting and moving speech about his experience in the Vietnam War. He spoke about the significance of the salute, and how it originated and has evolved in different countries. We are extremely lucky to have Grant in our BNPS community and are grateful for his involvement in our ceremony each year.