OSHC in Photos 

2023 OSHC Student Leadership

Last term we had many students nominated for leadership positions at OSHC. We are so proud of all the students who got up in front of a big group of students, parents and educators to do their speech, it’s not easy speaking in front of all those people!   


A huge congratulations to the following students who have been elected as our 2023 OSHC student leaders. We look forward to seeing and hearing their ideas for future improvement in our OSHC program. 


Takai R – OSHC Captain

Nick C- Head Chef

Lexie E & April B- Prep Team Leaders

Harry R- Sports Captain

Alex D- Garden Coordinator 

Ebony C- Sustainability Representative 









Quality Improvement Plan

This fortnight we are looking at Quality Area 3 of the National Quality Standards ‘The Physical Environment’ and are wanting to get your feedback on the way our environment is designed, equipped and organised. Is it welcoming and inviting? Do your children ever say we wish OSHC had …? How can we better the set up? We want your thoughts!!   


Reminder that we open from 7:30am

Just a reminder that we open from 7:30AM. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept your child before this time due to our licensing agreements.  We thank you for your understanding. 


Child Care Subsidy: Balancing Deadlines Approaching

At the end of the financial year, which is 30 June, Services Australia compares your income estimate with your actual income to check you got the right amount of Child Care Subsidy (CCS). This is called balancing.


You need to confirm your family’s income before Services Australia can balance your payments. There are deadlines.

One Year After The Financial Year Ends

You have one year to confirm your income. If you don’t confirm your income within 12 months after the end of a financial year your CCS will stop and you’ll have to pay full fees for childcare.


If you got CCS for 2021–22 you have until 30 June 2023 to confirm your income.

Two years after the financial year ends

If you still haven’t confirmed your income two years after a financial year ends you may have to repay any CCS you received for that financial year.

If you haven’t confirmed your income for 2020–21 you must do so by 30 June 2023.

How To Confirm Income

Confirm your income by:

Learn more about the balancing process on the Services Australia website.


Wonder Recycling Rewards for Schools 

Please remember to keep collecting your bread bags for us! We have once again joined the ‘Wonder Recycling Rewards for Schools’ initiative in an effort to raise soft plastic recycling awareness and earn points for sports equipment for our school.  


Please keep your bread bags, tags and wrap packets (from any bread brand not just Wonder) bring them to school and place in the Wonder recycling boxes found in our OSHC room and in the foyer at the front office. Once collected, Wonder is going to turn the plastic into wonderful things like school play equipment! 


The more we recycle the more points we can earn for our school! 


Quote Of The Fortnight

“Great things never came from comfort zones.” -author unknown. 


As always, families are welcome to give us feedback about any aspect of the program. We welcome your input! Please feel free to come in and have a chat with Kelly or Amanda or email
