Wellbeing & Disability and Inclusion

Creating Flexible Classrooms: 

The Learning Environment for Everyone

A flexible classroom is a learning environment in which students are given greater autonomy over how they learn. 


With growing evidence that students learn better when given more options in the classroom, there is no longer the concept of a ‘one size fits all’ approach to education or the way our students learn. 


Over the course of the first term, we have been implementing and trialling some alternative learning spaces, seats and support equipment such as sensory cushions, chair bands and a range of fidget/sensory toys. Many of our sensory toys were made by a group of our ‘Take Action Thursday’ Year 6 students lead by Angus S and Henry K.



In Year 6 we have incorporated a table where the students may choose to stand or sit to complete their work. The students have loved the different options.

5 Benefits of Standing Desks for Your Students

  • Increase blood flow to the brain. 
  • Reinforce movement and increased blood circulation. 
  • Burn more calories. 
  • Create better posture. 
  • Helps to improve mood and energy levels. 
  • Creates opportunities for collaborative learning.


Xavier in Year 1 has found he is able to concentrate more at his desk with the assistance

 of the chair band particularly when he needs a body break.


Jesse in Year 5 has been a wonderful and honest voice in trialling the new wobble stool as we investigate the possibility of purchasing more. He has found that when used safely and properly it can help when he needs a body break and time to reset and concentrate.


Here are some of our fidget and sensory toys available for those who may need them.