This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
I hope you all had a relaxing, restful holiday period after a holy Easter. We will publish our full newsletter next week. Today's update sheet provides some information to help all families settle back into the new term.
Over the holidays, the synthetic grass was laid in the quadrangle area. I'd like to thank our Deputy Principal, Anita Dell'Orso who coordinated this over the holidays while I was enjoying the sun in Tallebudgera Creek, Burleigh Heads and Kingscliff. Thanks also to our wonderful Parents and Friends fundraisers. P & F funds were used to purchase the coloured activity inserts.
A few upcoming events of significance for your diary.
Wednesday 26 April 10.45am - ANZAC Prayer Service in the quadrangle
Friday 28 April 2.25pm - Easter Prayer Service in the Community Centre led by Yr 4 students
Monday 15 May 8.30am - 9.30am - Mothers Morning Tea following Mothers Day in the Community Centre. This will be an opportunity for any mums available to come along and socialise together over a cuppa and some morning tea. We will have a brief presentation lead by some of our students.
Parish School Closure Day
St John's, St James and Our Lady's Ringwood staff enjoyed a professional development day at St John's, Mitcham today with guest speaker Elio Capra providing great insights into how we can develop our own faith as well as how we can educate and develop our student's faith. Fr Dispin then presented a session on the history of various aspects of the mass.
School Uniform
A reminder that all students are expected to wear their Winter school uniform from the beginning of Week 3. Our school uniform shop can be accessed via the link below if parents need to purchase any uniforms. Pre ordered tunics have arrived at Spartan.
The first two weeks of term are a change over period and students may wear the uniform (Summer or Winter) most appropriate to the day's weather.
Students are expected to wear their correct footwear at all times. Parents must send an email to their child's class teacher if students are not able to wear the correct uniform, including footwear.
Select St James Primary School from the “ FIND MY SCHOOL” list of schools. Choose free weekly delivery to school or home/private address.
School Hats
In line with our Sunsmart Policy, students will be expected to wear their sun hats only for the first week of Term 2. Between May and September, the students are not expected to wear their school hats unless the UV Rays reach 3 or higher. Your child is encouraged to keep their hat at school during the school term in the case that they are required to wear it.
Rowan St Crossing Supervisor
Beginning Term 2, we will have a Crossing Supervisor at the Rowan Street school crossing before and after school. The supervisor will be in attendance between 8:30 and 9:15am and 3:15 and 4pm. The council will be reviewing the street signage to ensure that the community is informed of the parking regulations for this area during these times. We will continue to update you with any further communication as we receive it from the council. To ensure a smooth transition for our school community, a staff member will check in during the morning and afternoon school crossing times for the first week.
Farmyard News
Millie and Boots are now living on a farm not too far away. We will have an update on them in next week's newsletter. Thank you to all families who helped out with farm duty in caring for the chickens over the holidays.
A few other updates
- On Wednesday 26th April, there will be a morning tea in the Community Centre straight after drop off/assembly provided by the P&F committee.
- The Secondhand Uniform Stall will also be open to purchase second hand uniforms and purchase/order sports tops.
Looking forward to seeing all students back on Wednesday.