Discovery Centre


What a wonderful week in the Discovery Centre. Another short week, but wow did we have some fun! In Reading we continued with our Guided Reading sessions which allowed students to practise reading strategies in small groups. We also practised reading and matching rhyming words through different games. In Writing, we focused on how to correctly form the letter r, using our finger on the ground and in the air tracing the letter, then practising on whiteboards. As a class we made a poster of all of the ‘r’ words we could think of and used these words to make a silly sentence, which students then used to practise their handwriting. In FJ we wrote about Ruby the rabbit racing a red rocket.


In Maths, we focused on 3D shapes. Students went on a 3D shape hunt around the classroom and school ground. They used sticks and spheres and playdough to explore the features, construct and name different 3D shapes. Students also created 3D cubes out of nets, which proved to be a little tricky, so we had to use our class top character strength of perseverance to help us through!


In Guided Inquiry, we observed the changes in the beans that we have planted and wrote about these changes in our plant journals. Students were very excited to see some more roots growing out of their beans as well as some interesting colour changes. Students in FJ predicted that they will start to see a stem grow out of their beans next week. In Fine Motor we explored different symbols that Aboriginal Australians use to tell stories and to create their art works. We used these symbols to decorate our own Boomerangs.


Student Voice

Jayden FJ – “I liked making a cube”

Ruby FJ – “Ruby and rabbit start with R” 

Arya FJ – “I used the waterhole symbol on my boomerang” 


  • Please remember to pack drink bottles as we are not able to use the communal drink taps
  • We are not currently able to borrow books from the library, please return any books you may have at home
  • Students will bring home all of their take home books for the week on a Monday and will need to return them all on Friday. On the weekend please choose some books from your home to read with and to your child.

Pupil of the Week

FD:  Maya L - 

For demonstrating perseverance when making your 3D shape. It was a challenging task and you worked so hard to make a cube from a net. Great job Maya!


FG: Dev V -

For demonstrating a love of learning when sharing your ideas with classmates and participating enthusiastically in our 3D Shape activities. You worked hard to recognise 3D shapes and made great connections in  your learning. Keep up the great work Dev!


FH: Stella K -

For demonstrating enthusiasm for our first 'Write the Room' and using the codes to carefully spell our words that were hiding around the classroom. You have been trying your best to park your letters on the baseline. Fantastic job Stella!


FJ: Mason S -

For consistently demonstrating kindness in our classroom. You always go out of your way to help your friends and your teachers. Keep up the amazing work Mason!