Independence Centre


Selamat siang!

What an amazing first week back at school We have had such a productive week in the Independence Centre and it’s great too see everyone getting back into our school routines and creating some fantastic work.


Last week in Mathematics, we continued to investigate chance and data. Students have started to create their own chance games that involve an element of skill, predicting and recording the outcomes of their game. Look out for these on Seesaw this week as we start uploading finished games!


In Literacy, students have enjoyed creating an information report about an animal of their choice. They have been working hard to research and create paragraphs that teach their readers about their chosen animal. In Reading, we have been using the ‘Goal Post Summary’ strategy to help up find the key ideas in non-fiction texts, this came in handy while we were researching our animals too! Continuing with nonfiction texts, students have also been working on their reading and presenting skills, recording a video of themselves reading an article confidently and fluently. You can find your child’s video on Seesaw this week.


During our Guided Inquiry sessions, students have been researching a famous explorer and learning about the achievements and obstacles their explorers faced. Science has seen us investigating living and non-living things. We started to investigate what makes something living and are excited to learn more about this in the coming weeks.


The 3/4 teachers have been so excited to have students back in the classroom and we are looking forward to the last two weeks of term! 


Terima kasih and have a wonderful week! 

The 3/4 teachers 

Student Voice: 

Samanvi K – "I liked the maths portfolio because it was cool to make my own chance game - all the maths activities this week has been really fun."

Michelle E – "I like doing art this week we are making mini tea set and it looks really cool!"

Theo S "3/4 Sport today was super fun, it was nice to get outside and have fun!"

Iris B – “I enjoyed writing my information report, I am learning lots about animals."


  • Continue to bring a drink bottle to school - No drinking fountains in use Term 2
  • Parents are not allowed on site for drop off/pick up.
  • Return notices that have been sent out.
  • Please try to return any borrowed books still at home.

Pupil of the Week

3/4D: Sukriti V -

Well done on using your strength of persistence to create a place value chart for our class display. Keep up the great work Sukriti!


3/4G: Annabelle T -

For demonstrating collaboration skills as you returned to school with all your classmates. After so long working at home, you have not forgotten how to show kindness and compassion to your peers and you should be proud of the way that you have worked together with them. Well done, Annabelle!


3/4K: Harry Ea -

For demonstrating your confidence and love of learning when presenting your public speaking. You worked so hard to rehearse and fine-tune your presentation to make it the best if can possibly be! Amazing job Harry!


3/4M: Oliver LW -

For demonstrating curiosity and a love of learning when researching facts to write an information report on Minecraft. It was fantastic to see you working so persistently last week as you transitioned back to school. Keep up the great work, Oliver! :) 


3/4R: Jonny D -

For working hard to research and write your information report. It is great to see you using persistence and new researching skills to find trustworthy information. What a great first week back! Keep it up, Jonny!