
Thank you to all the wonderful helpers who supported the E-Shop, Sustainability stall on Saturday. Your support was greatly appreciated.



Say no to fruit and veg barcode stickers.

Our DRI Ambassadors, Environmental Leaders and our Green Gang will be undertaking an action that demonstrates their commitment to the environment. This action will be done across all year levels. In each classroom a poster will be put up for students to place their barcode stickers from their fruit or vegetables. These can be stuck onto the poster. You can even save these from home and brought in for the poster.

Unfortunately a lot of the stickers for food items are not biodegradable, making them hard to dispose of and meaning they should be removed before composting. At the end of Term Four we will count the stickers and send them all off to the minister for the Environment.


Shark Egg Monitoring.

Why not become a Citizen Scientist? Australia's National Science Agency is calling on citizen scientists to find and record egg cases hatching up on Australian Coasts,so researchers can better understand oviparous chondrichthyans: egg-laying sharks, skates and chimaeras. The Great Eggcase Hunt app can be downloaded via your app store Shark Trust App



Jane Byrne
