Religious Dimension

Dear Families,

What an incredible day we all had celebrating St Joseph's Day and Harmony Day. We began the day with a beautiful mass which was a lovely celebration of community. The students learnt about St Joseph and his qualities and ended the day with the magnificent Colour Fun Run, which everybody enjoyed. 


Holy Week Performance

This year St Joseph's will be celebrating Holy Week with a liturgy next Wednesday 5th April at 2.15pm in our school grounds. We invite all families to please come and join us. 


St Patrick's Day Mass

Last Friday 4  of our Year 6 students were chosen to represent the school at the St Patrick's Day Mass for schools. Following the Mass, the students were treated to a conc in the Park with several high school bands entertaining the crowd! 


Gospel Reflection - Sunday 26th March

Gospel Reading

John 11:1-45 (shorter version John 11:3-7,17,20-27,33b-45)

Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead.


Family Connection

Jesus’ promise of eternal life is a central element of our Catholic faith. Even though Easter is still two weeks away, our Gospel today invites us to acknowledge Jesus’ power over death, evidenced in the raising of Lazarus, and to anticipate Jesus’ conquering of death once and for all in his death and Resurrection. We sometimes use examples from nature to help describe this mystery of our faith. Jesus himself talked about the seed that dies when planted in the ground in order to produce new life (John 12:24). Using that image and others, we find hope and confidence in Jesus, the Resurrection and the life.


Gather your family today and read today’s Gospel in its shorter form, John 11:3-7,17,20-27,33b-45. Write Jesus’ promise from today’s Gospel (“I am the resurrection and the life.”) on a large sheet of white paper. As your family talks about what Jesus means by this promise, decorate Jesus’ words with symbols that will remind you of his promise of eternal life. Display this reminder of Jesus’ promise in a prominent place in your home and keep it there until Easter. 


Pray that you will always remain confident in Jesus’ promise of eternal life. Conclude by praying together the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed.


