From the Principal's Desk

NAPLAN Underway

Our students in Years 3 and 5 have started to complete the NAPLAN assessments. These are conducted online in 2023, with the exception for Year 3 students who hand wrote their writing task this morning.  The tasks will be completed from Wednesday 15th to Friday 24th March 2023 at school. Please contact me at the school if you have any questions regarding your child's participation in the assessments. Please remember, NAPLAN gives us a snap shot of your child's achievement on a particular day, it doesn't give a whole picture of their learning.  

Year 6 Leaders Workshop

Last Friday, our Year 6 students attended a leadership workshop at Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre.  The program provided opportunities for our students to engage with other school leaders from local schools and learn about how to make changes in their local setting.  Thank you to Matt Peterson for transporting our students to and from the event.  We look forward to hearing their report at this Friday's assembly.

Welcome to Georgia Brown

As you are aware, Jess Fortescue has commenced leave this week. We welcome Miss Georgia Brown to our school who will take Lower Division for the rest of the year. 


Assembly This Friday 17th March

I welcome everyone to our next assembly on Friday 2.20pm.  Everyone is welcome to join us. We will be celebrating Harmony Day!

Harmony Day on Friday - Wear Orange Clothing

We will celebrate Harmony Day on Friday by working on activities and tasks in class.  We will also use the day as our theme for Friday's assembly.  Students are welcome to wear Orange clothing on Friday to acknowledge the day.

Year 6 into 7 Expression of Interest

Just a reminder to all Year 6 families to complete the Expression of Interest forms for Year 7 next year. You are encouraged to complete the process online but you can also complete the paper version if you wish.  Please contact Anne or myself if you need some assistance in completing the information.   


Work is well under way for our new Covered Outdoor Learning Area (COLA) being installed between Lower Division and Miss Miller's classroom.  This should be completed by this afternoon.  Thank you to our students and staff for their patience while this is installed.

Street Stall

As you are aware, our P&C are currently operating the Uralla Shire Street Store in the main street this week.  Our Year 6 students will be working at the stall on Friday between 11.30-1.00pm. If you have time, please feel free to come down and see us!

School Photo Day - Friday 28th April

Please mark on your calendar school photo day on Friday 28th April.  This is the first Friday back in Term 2.  We will send home more information soon.

Cross Country - Friday 31st March

Our Cross Country event will be held on Friday 31st March at Bellevue Sports Ground at UNE.  Our school will be coordinating the day.  Please see information below.  

Attendance Matters!

I want to thank you for your ongoing support in ensuring students are attending school every day.  


Our school strives for the expected attendance rate which is above 90% of students at school each day over the year.




Have a great fortnight!


Brad Hunt
