Year 07 Camp

Year 07 Camp
This was the best camp yet! It was a great way to start Year 07, and it assisted in getting to know my fellow students. We did loads of activities like the vertical drop, learning how to build a fire and making damper. Even though the damper wasn’t that great, it was edible.
We went on the flying fox and it was so fun, you could jump off it backwards and even go upside down. On the first night we spent time around the camp fire, played games, had marshmallows and hot chocolate. For our second night we had a movie and board game night, my friends and I played UNO and Celebrity Head. The days were packed full of fun, and the nights were mostly interesting and exciting. It was a very fun way to start the year.
During the day, everyone did lots of activities and learned new things. All the activities were very entertaining as we did all sorts of lively things. We learned how to make our own food in the bush, we challenged ourselves by doing scary things like the vertical drop and the flying fox, and we all made new friends. On the second day, we had to make our own lunch. Everyone formed groups of nine to ten, and we hiked up a hill to our area.
We started off by making a fire. After we did that, we made some yummy damper, which was delicious with some jam. Then we began to make our own lunch, which was nachos with some salsa, meat, and cheese. Delicious! But, we didn’t only do fun survival activities, we did some more terrifying things like the vertical slide. On the vertical slide, we would hang on a pole and the instructor would count to three. When they got to three, we would let go of the pole and slide down. Our camp was very exciting and fun. It was definitely an experience to remember.
Amara Matias & Eva Lamovski
On the 8th of March the Year 07s went to Valley Homestead in Ovens for our camp. Although it didn’t get off to a great start having to wait a few hours for the buses everyone was still pumped to go there and after a 3-hour long drive, we finally arrived. Over the course of 3 days, we had plenty of fun participating in great activities like the Aerial obstacle course, vertical challenge, dual flying fox, and bush survival.
When the sun went down the fun wasn’t over as we played fun games and roasted marshmallows at the fire as well as watched a movie. After all this, we learned so many new things and definitely followed the school values of Achieve, Respect and Connect. Unfortunately, the camp had to end, but this camp will definitely be a great memory for all Year 07s.
Lachlan Prentice