College Captain Report

As the end of term one looms ever closer I think everyone is looking forward to a well earned break. 2023 has brought a number of fantastic events, triumphs but also challenges. We have welcomed back our Principal Mr Panaccio after his short break spent alongside some wooly companions, celebrated both our Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, as well as the most recent events of Harmony Week. Your Leadership Team has been working hard to organise these events and help them run smoothly alongside the support of some amazing teachers.
The Swimming Carnival provided students with an opportunity to dress up, represent their house and enjoy a warm summer's day. Events included racing, games and the infamous relay between students and teachers where once again the students emerged victorious. The Athletics Carnival similarly involved a variety of track and field events including javelin, 100m sprint, highjump and triple jump to name a few. Photos from these events can be accessed through the school computers for students wishing to have a look.
Harmony Week allowed students to express and celebrate their cultural identity. From the 27th to the 31st of March movies were played featuring different cultures and ethnicities, and on the final day the school came together for a dress up day where students wore the colours of their countries and cultures, with roots spanning the entire globe.
As the first term wraps up we wish everyone a happy holiday and Easter. Enjoy your break and whatever you're doing whether it be work, traveling or spending time with friends and family, may you all stay safe and have a great holidays.
Anja and Marcus
College Captains