Assistant Principal's Message

Dear Endeavour Hills Specialist School community members,
As we come to the end of another school year, it is a time to reflect on some of the school and community successes. As a new member of staff in term three, I was welcomed into a very friendly community, a community that really does live the school value of Be Kind. Some of my favourite days have been supporting the team with student successes. A lot of what we do in specialist schools, is to support students experiencing overwhelm as they navigate through the world. It gives staff such pleasure to support students to do this in a safe and successful way, ensuring they are able to engage in their learning.
The entire school community participated in the school review. The review panel presented a unanimous endorsement of the school culture. Staff, students, leadership and parents all confirmed that the school does indeed have an extremely positive climate, with many examples of kindness being displayed across all areas of the school. The review has allowed us to plan some exciting work for the school to undertake in our next strategic plan. Watch this space for some useful information and ways to support your children.
Students and staff held our annual volunteers and friends morning tea, where students presented the attendees with certificates and student made flowers. It was particularly lovely to see our students confidently chatting to members of our community over Christmas goodies and juice.
I would like to wish all families a happy and safe school holidays, whether you are travelling to visit family and friends in distant lands or staying here in Melbourne, enjoy a well-earned rest and time with those close to you. I look forward to seeing our wonderful students – along with new enrolments – for the 2024 school year on Tuesday 30th January.
Kind regards,
Nat Hassan