Cultural Diversity Week

Harmony Day is an initiative that was developed by the Australian Government in 1999 promoting the message that “Everyone Belongs”. It reinforces the importance of inclusiveness to all Australians. 

Tuesday the 21st of March was Harmony Day and the staff and students at Doncaster Primary School took the time to celebrate and acknowledge the diversity within our population that makes Australia the interesting and multicultural place that it is. The 21st of March was also Nowruz (Persian New Year) which gave us a great chance to learn from each other and share one of the celebrations of our school community!


Here are some of the great activities our students were involved with through the week:


Prep - Cultural Studies: We learnt about the ways we are all different and similar, and how we be inclusive on Harmony day. Elmo helped us learn how we can be upstanding against racism. 

Prep - Art: Students drew Garden Gnomes inspired by German Culture.

Grade One - Cultural Studies: Sharing the stories and experiences of the celebration Nowruz, by the Persian students. Learning about jumping over the fire to cleanse themselves for the start of the year was a highlight!

Grade One - Art: Students made a cherry Blossom landscape - Inspired by Japanese Culture

Grade Two - Cultural Studies: Sharing the stories and experiences of the celebration Nowruz, by the Persian students. Students were interested to find out about the Haft-seen table with its 7 items starting with S.

Grade Two - Art: Students made a cherry Blossom landscape - Inspired by Japanese Culture

Grade Three - Cultural Studies: Students completed an activity that explored some of the emotions that students might experience as they considers their cultural identity. Who is an 'Aussie'? Can you be Aussie AND another culture? Students were also wowed when we looked at all the Culture Backgrounds we have in each Grade 3 grade! We are a culturally diverse bunch, and we love it!

3Q Cultural Background
3B Cultural Background
3Q Cultural Background
3B Cultural Background

Grade Three - Art: Students designed a traditional vase inspired by Greek Culture.

Grade Four - L.O.T.E: Students investigated how to say hello in different languages. They chatted to each other to help discover the many ways our community can say 'Hello!'

Grade Four - Art:  Students designed a traditional vase inspired by Greek Culture.


Grade Five - L.O.T.E: Students investigated 'What's in a name?' by looking at their own name and its country of origin and meaning.

Grade Five and Six- Art: Students made a calligraphy style initial - inspired by Arabic culture


It has been a wonderful Cultural Diversity Week for all students.