Teddy Bear's Picnic 

The Prep students had the very best day celebrating Teddy Bear's Picnic. The children measured and graphed their teddies, completed a directed drawing and even made a crafty hat. This was followed by a parade and a picnic under the shady tree. What a fun and exciting day!


Student Voice 

Prep W

Jackson: My favourite part was making the hat because I like making things.

Lucas: I liked going outside for a picnic.

Miya: I liked playing with the instruments and singing songs.


Prep M

Evelyn: I liked the songs because I love music.

Akam: I loved the drawing. I love to colour.

Lilly: I liked counting the teddy bear colours in the graph. Brown was the most popular and white was the least popular.


Prep P

Zachary: I loved cuddling my teddy.

Siqi: I liked the teddy bear dance.

Hajun: I liked having the teddy bear picnic.