Captains Corner

by Isaac, Jude, Adrina and Jenna 

Hello! As some of you may know, I am Adrina, one of the Doncaster Primary School captains for 2023. My nationality is Persian. On Tuesday it was Persian New Year. Persian New Year lasts for 13 days. On the first day, it is a tradition to set the Haft Seen table with particular objects such as vinegar, an apple, a mirror, candles, lentil sprouts in a dish, wheat germ sweet pudding, oleaster, garlic, coloured eggs, and sumac. On the 13th day of the celebrations, as 13 is an unlucky number, they spend the day outside with friends and family. In between these two days, people visit each other. When they do, it is a tradition for adults to give children money.

                                                                                                                                                                              I was born in Iran and came here right after my 3rd birthday. We first went to Perth and stayed there for about a week in a hotel. After that, we flew to Adelaide and stayed there for a year. I graduated from kindergarten at the end of 2016 and I then came to Doncaster Primary School for prep.


This week is cultural diversity week. We celebrate this day to recognise all the different cultures around Victoria.  I was born and raised in Australia but my background is Lebanese. On Thursday the 23rd of March, Ramadan starts. Ramadan is a celebration in which we fast (don’t eat) from sunrise until sunset.  Another tradition that we celebrate is Eid.  Where the young are presented with money and presents. This occurs twice a year. My favourite Lebanese food is definitely manoush.


This week is Cultural Diversity Week. Cultural Diversity Week is a celebration of worldwide diversity. I can speak English, Chinese, and Spanish. Though I was born in Singapore my culture is Chinese. Every Lunar New Year, my family and I feast on dumplings and fish. Fish is a sign of good luck. My favourite Chinese food is called tang yuan. Tang yuan is outwardly soft and spherical while the inside contains fillings like sesame, red bean, or custard. My sister and I also get money from our parents in a red pouch. Normally, the Chinese word Fu, meaning good luck, will feature on the pouch. Me and my fellow captains are all so diverse, in writing this, all four of us have learnt many things about each other’s culture.


This week is cultural diversity week where we celebrate the diversity of cultures in our country. My background is Italian, and I was born in Australia but my nonna’s and nonno’s were born in Italy. At home we speak English.  Occasionally we go to Italian restaurants and spend lots of time with my family.  My favourite food is gnocchi and gelato I also like pizza. But of course, I especially love my nonnas food.