Principal's Report

Mrs Larissa Vesdrevanis

Firstly, I wish all of our DPS Persian Families celebrating New Year over the next two weeks many blessings, happiness and prosperity for the New Year! 


And Ramadan Mubarak to all our Muslim families in the DPS community! We wish you a happy, safe and peaceful month!


We are fortunate to have such a rich and diverse community at Doncaster Primary School. Multiculturalism is a core part of the Victorian identity, our character and our way of life. Our state is home to people who speak 290 languages and have 314 different ancestries. It's also a place where anyone can contribute and belong. At Doncaster PS we value multiculturism. 

Our cultural studies specialist program aims to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to enable students to:

  • demonstrate an awareness of and respect for cultural diversity within the community
  • reflect on how intercultural experiences influence attitudes, values and beliefs
  • recognise the importance of acceptance and appreciation of cultural diversity for a cohesive community.

I am pleased to announce that all positions on School Council have been filled. Due process has been followed as per DET guidelines. This year a new school council president was elected. We warmly welcome Kelvin Wong to the role of president.


Our School Council members for 2023 are:


Parent Members:

Kelvin Wong     School Council President 

Jeff Fang              Vice President

Andrea Sergi  

Krystle Day

Deepak Ganga

Rajib Chowdhury

Jim Fang 

Nadiah Smith

Fia Moraitis



DET Members:

Larissa Vesdrevanis Acting Principal/ Jim Hill Principal     Executive Officer

Natalie Pike                                                                                        Secretary       

Carly Epskamp

Niky Corfios




  MC Square Cladding replacement


Janet Richtarik the Facility Management Officer of Manningham Council, met with me to advise that following the 2019 Victorian Building Authority state-wide cladding review; MC Square will undergo cladding replacement.  It is expected that the works will take about a year to complete. These works should not impact DPS apart from some noise associated with the dismantling of cladding and drilling.  Please see the attachment below for more details.