Wellbeing Wrap Up

It was fantastic to see our DPS community connecting during our recent Ubuntu lesson. The students participated in activities related to bullying and ways to look out for others, be an active bystander and what to do should bullying occur. We thought we would share the activities. 


Toothpaste activity

Place a strip of masking tape on the length of the table. With a tube of toothpaste, have the volunteer run a bead of toothpaste on the length of the masking tape. Now ask the participant to put the toothpaste back in the tube. Obviously, it can’t be done. This is an example of how hurtful words once spoken cannot be taken back. Bullies say hurtful words frequently and need to know the impact that their words have on their victims.


Anti bullying scenarios

This week our Year 6 students lead a focus group where students discussed how to respond to real life bullying incidents. We have included some of the scenarios below. We thank each one of our Year 6 students for leading these discussions. It was wonderful to be able to debrief with the Year 6 students yo hear how insightful our Prep to Year 5 students are.