Education in Faith

Education & Faith Leader - Sue Lema

Dear Families,

As a whole school our students this term are delving more deeply into exploring the parts of the Mass and creating connections between their lives and the living Eucharist.


Today the Year 2 children led our whole school Mass. They did an amazing job actively participating in the Mass through engaging in the readings of the day, preparing the Prayers of the Faithful and singing songs about celebrating their faith.   In the upcoming weeks alternate classes will be taking turns to actively engage with the parish by leading Friday Masses. Please feel welcome to join us.


Next Wednesday the 19th of May, at 7pm, all students and parents in Years 4 & 5 are to attend our Eucharist Family Faith evening. This night will be an opportunity to explore the Sacrament of Eucharist, participate in family activities to create connections and deepen understandings. It will also provide an opportunity to discuss the practical logistics for receiving the Sacrament and provide an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. 


Even if your child is not making the Sacrament of Eucharist this year, all students in these year levels are warmly welcomed to attend as this event is an important part of their personal and faith development. I look forward to seeing everyone on the night.


As one of our social justice initiatives this term we are looking for donations of blankets and coats to support the less fortunate members of our local community. All clean and in good condition donations will be so gratefully appreciated. Please send your donations to the school office. Thank you for your support and generosity in advance.


I have included a photo of our children celebrating Autumn and frolicking in God’s creation.


Yours in Faith,

Sue Lema