Green Team

The Seas are Rising and so are the Youth

Eight Pacific islands have already become uninhabitable and hundreds of thousands of people continue to be displaced due to the climate emergency and rising seas. In the past few months there’s been bushfires in Tasmania, NSW and QLD faced a record long drought followed by huge floods which killed 500,000 cattle. However, whilst 300,000+ people die each year from global warming, Australia’s politicians continue to endanger future generations by supporting dirty fossil fuels over clean renewable energy. Politicians are leading the world in the wrong direction, so the youth are rising to take a stand. Over the past few months there have been huge school strikes across the globe demanding for emergency climate action and a safe future. On March 15 there will be hundreds of thousands of students striking from all around the world to shift the power and ensure the Earth remains a habitable planet. 

Written by members of the student Green Team


Please note, the school can not endorse student attendance at the Climate Strike nor take responsibility for students attending the strike. As noted in the Principal's message, any student attending the strike must be signed out via Compass, with their absence approved by their parents. 

NHS Green Team- meeting in C1, Monday lunch

We are looking forward to several projects and activities and would love anyone to come along! From Thurs 7th to Thurs 14th March there will be banner and placard making in C1 for the Strike and free popcorn. On Tuesday the 26th of March there will be a film screening of Wild Waters - a film by Greenpeace about the Great Australian Bight. To keep up to date with Green Team news and events, follow us on Instagram and facebook.