From the Team 

3/4 Classrooms

Remote Learning Legends

Remote Learning Again? We've Got This!


Another lockdown did not get in the way of the 3’s and 4’s getting on with their learning!  We are Remote Learning experts by now! 


Whilst the news of another lockdown did get us a little bit down in the dumps, we practised our resilience and supported each other to make at home learning a success!


During this time, 3’s and 4’s have been practising a whole range of valuable skills at the same time as continuing on with their learning! 


We have been: 

  • Forging ahead with our daily Reading, Writing, Integrated, Numeracy and Specialist tasks
  • Sharing our ideas, thoughts, feelings and questions during WebEx meetings
  • Keeping up our friendships with fun games and activities during our WebEx meetings
  • Using a range of apps and technology to enhance our learning
  • Managing our time in order to complete daily tasks around our home life

Wellbeing has been a big focus for us during these uncertain times, so sharing to our online wellbeing walls on Padlet has been a terrific way to spread some good vibes.  The wellbeing walls give students a chance to share their hobbies, skills and daily recreational activities with their classmates, teachers and even Mr. Symons!  Ask your child to show you their class’s wall.  They are very impressive! 

Of course, we cannot talk about Remote Learning without thanking all of you at home who are supporting their child (or children) to thrive during this time. 


We hope everyone is staying warm and safe.  We miss you, and look forward to being back at school as soon as we can be!!


Well done team 3/4 on switching to Remote Learning so seamlessly!