
Our school is located on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. 

Looking forward to seeing our students 

We were all excited to hear the announcement today that all of our students will return onsite this Friday June 11th. 


When parents and carers are on site and cannot keep 1.5m from other adults they are expected to wear a mask. When in the school buildings everyone must be wearing a mask at all times. It is vital we all keep each other safe in an ongoing manner. 


At this stage we are not able to have classroom helpers, we will let you know when this can recommence.


QR code

Everyone onsite must log in using the QR code which is displayed on doors, windows and gates. At all times we must know who is onsite, thank you for supporting us by using the QR code. If you are not able to access it download the Service Victoria app and use code SRG QZQ. 


School staff and secondary school students aged 12 or older must always wear a face mask at school when indoors, or outdoors if 1.5 metre physical distancing cannot be maintained, including when attending an OSHC program, unless an exception applies.


Density limits (applies to all school settings)

The density limit of 1 person per 4 square metre applies in spaces used only by staff and to publicly accessible areas. This means the reception area of the school, please ensure you are following regulations when on site. We appreciate your patience if there are delays. Density limits do not apply in classrooms or other areas used by students. 

Remote learning 

Thank you for your ongoing support of your children and their education throughout this remote learning period. 


Like many of you my favourite part of the newsletter each fortnight is reading the team pages, what a wonderful opportunity to see the learning in action at BPPS. This week we have the opportunity to read all about remote learning for each level. 


This week we get the opportunity to read about a virtual excursion to the Royal Botanic Gardens which our Foundation students were involved in on Monday. 

We learn about the efforts of our Year 1/2 students and teachers to stay connected and also their use of the Arts Hub for kids. 

We get to see the Show and Tell Wellbeing walls from our Year 3/4 students. 

We learn about the Think Local Act Global sustainability unit our Year 5/6 students are working on, their weather instruments and reflections. 

We can celebrate District Cross Country results on the PE page. 

We know that much of our Performing Arts is under review at the moment in light of COVID changes. More information to come. 

We have some wonderful images of the art being made at home on our Visual Arts page. 

We can learn find out about the digital book being made in French.

The Library page this week has some great resources, including the link to the Premier's Reading Challenge - always a great thing to get involved in each year. 

Get Active Victoria

This week we shared information about the Get Active Victoria website. It is included again below for your information. 


When children participate in regular physical activity, it boosts their physical and mental health and improves academic performance.

Physical activity throughout the day also improves concentration, and the ability to retain information and solve problems.

There are many benefits to being active and getting your move on, but a lot of children aren’t moving enough, particularly while learning from home.

15 minutes 4 times a day is all it takes.

To help support your children to stay active while learning from home, families can access a range of free COVIDSafe ideas to stay active and games through Get Active Victoria.

Families should remember that whatever gets children moving, gets them active.

Senior School Production

We are currently working through scenarios for our Senior School Production. We find ourselves two weeks behind in rehearsals at this point. We will  know about the possible restrictions around singing and use of the Besen Centre in the coming weeks. We are currently working through a number of scenarios. Stay tuned. 


Uniform Shop Survey 

Thank you to the twelve families who have completed our Uniform Shop survey, this takes into consideration 20 of our 480 students. We need your help to find out what the rest of the community think about the uniform shop. 

We are wanting to find out if our community would like to have the Uniform Shop back on site. 

This link will enable you to complete the survey and share your thoughts. Uniform Shop Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete it. 


Men's Health Week

National Men’s Health Week provides a valuable opportunity for school communities to focus on health issues, including mental health and wellbeing. 

Held from Monday 14 June to Sunday 20 June, the week provides the opportunity to learn about men’s health issues and take action to help improve health outcomes for men.

Men are typically at higher risk of serious health outcomes, many of which are preventable with early intervention and diagnosis. 

We can get involved in helping to change the narrative around men accessing support proactively and reducing stigma associated with asking for help by:

  • modelling good health and wellbeing behaviour
  • encouraging men to undertake regular health checks, listen to their bodies, seek psychological support and feel comfortable talking about health issues
  • reminding men that seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness and is just a general part of maintaining good health and wellbeing
  • promoting the week and highlighting the importance of men’s health.

For more support and resources the following external resources are included for your information:

Is your child commencing school in 2022?

If you have a child due to start school in 2022 please contact the office with any questions, take part in our transition program as you can and download the enrolment form from our website and return as soon as possible. 




Susanne Lowe
