Important Dates




Events like the Disco Night only happen when we have dedicated volunteers to help on the night. When our 4 year old Disco is re-organised to another date please make sure you help out either by setting/packing up and decorating the hall or by serving in the canteen selling snacks on the night. We will post a new link shortly to see when you can assist.

Thank you everyone.


  • 4 year old Disco May 29th: Postponed (new date to be set)
  • 3 year old Disco June 5th: 4.45pm - 7pm (To be confirmed - awaiting Victorian Government advice if restrictions will be lifted)
  • Last day of Term 2 - June 25th
  • First day of Term 3 - July 12th
  • Working Bee - TBC
  • Smoking and welcoming ceremony - TBC

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