Learning & Teaching

Junior School News

This term, Year 1 have been learning about Procedural Texts and the main features of this text type. The students have followed the writing process of planning, composing, recording, revising and publishing, to write their own Procedure for making a type of potion. 

The students then shared their procedures with the Year 2 classes. 

The Year 2 students then followed the steps to make the potions.

Wellbeing Groups - Gratitude 

This semester during our Wellbeing Groups, we have focussed on the word Gratitude. Gratitude refers to appreciating the person or thing that did something good for you or made you feel happy. This afternoon, all students met in their Wellbeing Group to continue discussing how we can show gratitude to others at Sacred Heart. Below are some examples the students suggested. All students were given a Gratitude Journal by Eve and Martin, our Year 6 Wellbeing Leaders, to work on in the session and at home. 


Different ways to show Gratitude at Sacred Heart:

  • help others when they are hurt
  • share our sport equipment
  • help everybody
  • say yes when someone asks you to be your friend
  • show your teacher that you are grateful by putting up your hand
  • don't exclude people
  • listen to everyone's opinions
  • take turns
  • say thank you
  • use good manners
  • use nice language
  • say sorry when you have hurt someone
  • don't have an angry face
  • say I love you
  • show you are happy to see someone
  • be grateful for little things
  • use good facial expressions
  • don't make fun of people
  • say yes when someone asks you to play with you
  • speak appropriately to others
  • help others in need
  • comfort people who may be sad
  • take care of our things
  • making friends with someone if they don't have friends
  • teach someone a new skill
  • showing kindness
  • being nice to people on the buddy benches
  • treat others the way you want to be treated
  • saying thank you before we eat our snacks and lunch
  • giving a staff/community 'shout out' at assembly 
  • pick up litter
  • say thank you for the things we have around the school
  • don't pull out the plants

Book Week at Sacred Heart