School News

Little Learners Love Literacy (LLLL) 

- new decodable readers

As per the Audiri notification sent out earlier today, e have purchased new resources from Little Learners Love Literacy (LLLL) to support the teaching of literacy in Prep to Year 2. 


LLLL is an explicit and sequential literacy approach that not only teaches children to read, but also to write and spell with confidence. The seven stage sequence focuses on: Phonemic awareness (using decodeable readers) and phonics for spelling and reading, Handwriting, Reading Fluency, as well as Vocabulary and Comprehension. A huge thank you to our wonderful Parents' Association for funding this exciting new literacy program for both our staff and students.



We need your help to cover the new books. Can you spare some time?


Unfortunately, we can’t send the books home until they have all been contacted. In the first week of Term 3, we are calling for any parent helper who has any spare time to come in and help contact these books (anytime during the day). Due to this, the Classroom Helper Program will not commence until Week 2. A book covering station will be set up outside the Year 1 and 2 classrooms. Please sign in at the Office and let Caroline know you are contacting books, before making your way upstairs. 


Thanks in anticipation of all your generous support. We very much appreciate this!


Courtney Drough (Literacy Leader)

School Counsellor - CatholicCare

As mentioned in our last newsletter we welcome Susan Konstantas (from CatholicCare) as our school counsellor for the remainder of the school year.


Susan is married with two teenage children and has worked as a counsellor for six years.  Susan is excited to be working with the students, staff and school community at Sacred Heart Kew and is looking forward to meeting everyone.


Sometimes children and young people find living in our demanding, complex world difficult to negotiate. This can impact their social, emotional and educational development.  School Counselling is a confidential service offered at our school to assist students that may be experiencing difficulties with issues such as:

  • Conflict, anger, grief and loss
  • Anxiety and low mood or depression,
  • School refusal 
  • Developmental and learning concerns,
  • Family changes such as separation or divorce
  • Social skills, peer relationships and bullying
  • Behavioural challenges

Susan is available at the school on Mondays each week. Please contact Courtney Drough if you would like to find out more about the school counselling program.

Parent/Teacher Chats - Thursday 13 July, 2023

As mentioned in our last newsletter, Parent/Teacher Chats will take place next term, on Thursday 13 July. The purpose of these chats is to meet with your child's classroom teacher, discussing with them, your child’s learning progression and achievement in Semester One. Your child's Semester One Report will assist with these Parent/Teacher Chats, which you would have recevied earlier today. If you have more complex issues or concerns about your child please organise an additional meeting with the teacher. 


On this day, the children will finish school at 12.45pm and the first interviews will commence at 1.30pm, finishing at 7.30pm.  If you are unable to pick your children up there will be supervision provided by staff not engaged in the Parent Teacher Chats until 3.15pm. A separate Operoo form has been sent regarding this.  After School Care will be provided as usual from 3.15pm onwards. To book your child in to After School Care, please contact Camp Australia directly. 


Bookings opened last Wednesday! 


To book in your Parent/Teacher Chat time - please go to the following link


Or visit the website link below (and use the code cf6pr) 


All Parent/Teacher Chats will be held ‘face to face’ as was the case earlier this year.  

Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day 

Friday 28 July

Next term, Grandparents and Special Friends Day will occur on Friday 28 July. On this day, all Grandparents and Special Friends are invited to visit their special child(ren's) classroom from 8.30am - 9am. We will all then attend the 9.15am Parish Mass. After the Parish Mass, all Grandparents and Special Friends will enjoy a Morning Tea in the MPR from 10am - 10.30am. We look forward to celebrating our Grandparents and Special Friends later next month. Further details will follow next term. 

School Musical UPDATE

As mentioned in our last newsletter, we are excited to officially announce that our Disney Lion King Jr School Musical will take place on Monday 9 October and will be held at the Besen Centre (87 to 89 Station Street, Burwood).



Tickets will go on sale early next term. Families will be able to purchase up to 5 tickets, at this larger venue. Stay tuned for further details in Term 3.

Updated MACS Policies 

From time to time, all Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS) are required to amend a number of existing MACS policies and practices as updates are made. At other times, MACS Ltd create new policies that all MACS schools are bound to implement in their school communities. 


MACS also require that all MACS schools make the policies and documents listed below publicly available for school communities. This is to maintain compliance with Australian and Victorian government legislation and regulatory requirements and meet MACS’ expectations for communication between schools and their communities. 


Some of these amended or updated policies include: 

  • Anaphylaxis Policy – School Policy
  • Child Safety and Wellbeing Recordkeeping Policy
  • Code of Conduct – Parents / Guardians / Carers
  • Code of Conduct – Students
  • Concessional Fees Policy – Primary Schools – School Policy
  • Enrolment Agreement
  • Enrolment Form
  • Enrolment Policy – School Policy
  • Enrolment Procedures for MACS schools
  • Expulsion of Students Policy – School Policy
  • First Aid Policy – School Policy
  • ICT Acceptable Use Policy
  • Privacy Policy – School Policy
  • Student Acceleration and Retention Policy – School Policy
  • School Community Safety Order Internal Review Process and Form
  • Working with Children Check Policy

All of the above policies have now been amended and are to be implemented by all MACS schools by Monday 10 July, 2023. 


These policies can be viewed on our School Website (along with a number of our other existing school policies) which are required to be uploaded/visible to the public - see link below.




In regards to the updated MACS Code of Conduct for (Parents/Guardians/Carers) and the MACS Code of Conduct for (Students), these will also be uploaded to Operoo, where parents and students will need to read and sign off that they adhere to the expected conduct and behaviours listed in these documents. These documents are also attached below. 


Please note that the new MACS Code of Conduct for (Parents/Guardians/Carers) replaces the Code of Conduct that parents/carers signed off on Operoo at the start of this year. 



Thanks for your support and understanding with these updates and for your completion of the relevant Code of Conduct documents. 

Garden and Running Clubs

Please note that due to the cold weather approaching, both the Garden and Running Clubs will cease. They will recommence when the weather warms up. 

2023 Term Dates


Term 3

Monday 10 July – Friday 15 September (school finishes at 12.45pm)


Term 4

Monday 2 October – Friday 15 December (school finishes at 12.45pm)

2023 School Closure Days

The following days and dates will be School Closure Days in 2023. 


Term 4

Monday 6 November (Report Writing Day)

Tuesday 7 November (Melbourne Cup Public Holiday) 

Friday 1 December (Planning for 2024)


Miss Peppercorn Lunch Orders - Every Friday


School Lunches are able to be purchased every Friday from Miss Peppercorn. Please see menu below and ordering instructions.