Grade 5/6 News

The 5/6 team have been having fun travelling around Europe and North America…. almost a world tour.!

 We started in Australia, discovered how far away North America really is and looked at some of the customs, traditions  and native flora and fauna. 

We then found ourselves studying the landscapes and the features of various countries throughout Europe. We completed the term with procedural writing and discovered some interesting games and recipes from around the world. 


“Iceland is interesting because of their Naming Ceremonies - did you know that only the parents know the child’s name until the naming ceremony… which could be up to six months later!”..... Indi


“I want to visit Iceland so I can see the Northern Lights!”.... Holly


“The beaches in Miami are the place to be!” ….. Eliza


“My favourite place was Scotland because of the beautiful architecture and mountains.”......Archie