
Marina Kintzel, Phoenix House Leader

Our Students' Stories


Praharsha Warnakulasuriya, PH1 Year 8

The experience of being a Phoenix student in Semester 1, 2023, was very amusing and exciting.  The Aquatics and Athletics Carnivals were lots of fun. Even though Phoenix did not finish in first place at the Carnivals, I think we had the best House Spirit out of all the other Houses. I think Phoenix could have improved in participation of events, because we have lots of spirit but not enough participation. I strongly encourage all Phoenix students to be actively involved in all House Competition events. So far Phoenix Homerooms have been doing well in the House volleyball competition.

Keep up the good work Phoenix House.


Shakthi Manimaran,  PH2 Year 8

In Semester 1, Phoenix House was involved in many different types of fundraising activities. These activities included, MAD Day Fundraisers, Valentine’s Day fundraisers, Aquatics and Athletic Carnival fundraisers, and fundraisers for charities, such as Project Compassion. Through these fundraisers Phoenix House has donated lots of money to different charities. Fundraising is one of the most selfless things you can do. 

It allows both students and teachers to raise money which helps people less fortunate than ourselves.  I encourage everyone at St John’s to get more involved in future fundraising activities.