
Frankie Flanagan - VCE & VCAL Program Coordinator 

Monash Scholars Program:


Congratulations to Kiara Lay who has been awarded entry into the Monash Scholars Program for 2023-2025. This program is awarded to selected high achieving students in their final years of High School. Kiara is an exemplary student who has approached her studies with dedication and maturity. Of particular note has been her application to her VCE study of Legal Studies, where she has produced work to aparticularly high standard. 


The program allows students to actively engage with Monash University throughout Years 10, 11 and 12 and mix with students from other schools who have also gained entry into the program.

Unit Three and Four Studies:

It is difficult to believe that it is time to discuss the end of year examinations already, particularly as our Years 9 to 11 students have only recently completed their Semester 1 examinations. However, it is important that all students enrolled in a scored Unit 3 and 4 VCE or VET subject makes sure that they familiarise themselves with the recently released end of year exam timetable. Thetimetable has been produced by VCAA and can be found on their website alongside a comprehensive guide to all rules and regulations for each subject. Families can support their students by ensuring that these dates are clearly displayed in the lead up to their final examinations.  Students ought to be consistent in their revision program and application to their studies. We wish all our senior students luck with their final semester of school.