Principal's Report 

Tim Hogan


As we return to school this week we celebrate NAIDOC Week which recognizes and honour's the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It stands for the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee ( NAIDOC) who promote awareness, understanding and respect for Indigenous cultures, traditions and contributions to society. I thank our Fire Carriers, led by staff member Mr. Michael

 Almery, who conducted a series of activities in the CLC this week to highlight the rich heritage and achievements of our first Nations People.

We Pray : 

Father of all, You gave our Aboriginal People the Dreaming.  You have spoken to them through their beliefs, You then made your love clear to them in the person of Jesus.

We thank you for your care of these people.

You own them. You are their hope.

Make them strong as they face the problems of change. We ask you to help us, the people 

of Australia, to listen to them and respect their culture.  Make the knowledge of you grow strong in all people. So that you can be at home in all of us, and so that we can make a home for everyone in our land.


Futures Expo:

Our Careers Advice and Subject Selection Evening “The Futures Expo" will take place on Wednesday 19 July in the Br Leo Scollen Stadium.  Families and students will be able to access Experts from a variety of Universities and TAFE as well as our own teaching staff on subject selection and pathways through senior school and beyond. 


The Careers Expo is a compulsory event for students in Years 9, 10 and 11 because it will assist them in making informed decisions about their future, help them explore their interests and set goals to navigate the transition from school to the world of work. Both parents and school staff want our students to maximize their potential for success and achieve fulfillment in their chosen careers. 

This is a challenging journey and it often begins with the question, "what do I want to do as a career?"  The beauty of the Careers Expo is that it will expose them to diverse fields, emerging industries and unconventional career paths. This knowledge expands their horizons, helping them discover new possibilities and consider non-traditional career options.


I extend my thanks to Careers Co-Ordinator, Mr. Bruce Topham, Deputy Principal Learning & Teaching,  Kamila Bielinski, VCE Programs Leader,  Ms.Frankie Flanagan and all of our Learning Area Leaders for their preparation of what will be a very informative EXPO for our students.

19 July Open Evening  – New Enrolments for 2024  and 2025

Alongside the Futures Expo, we will be conducting an Open evening for new enrolments for 2024 and 2025

New and current families considering enrolment for their children in future years are invited to attend this event, which will begin in the new Administration Centre on Caroline Street at 6 pm. The evening will include a welcome from our Principal and Senior Staff and a tour of student facilities.

Bookings for the Enrolment Evening can be made via the College website where parents will also find the online enrolment form and a range of other information about St John’s. including: curriculum, uniform, transport and school fees.


Year 12 Interviews 


I thank our parents and Year 12 staff for attending the Year 12 interviews onThursday of this week. With a little over 10 weeks to go for our senior students the evening becomes a vital form of feedback for them as they look to complete courses over the coming weeks and narrow their focus and preparation. I thank our staff for providing an accurate assessment of how our students are currently performing and what they need to do be at their best in their final exams. 


I also take this opportunity to remind our senior students of the free tutoring service which is available in our CLC each week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 3.30 pm to 5 pm. Our tutors can provide excellent advice and tips on exam preparation and revision over the coming weeks.

College Academic Excellence Assembly – August 7 


On Monday 7 of August the College Community will assemble to present the academic Excellence Awards and Stella Awards for Semester 1. All parents are welcome to attend this assembly which will commence at 9:15 am in the Br Leo Scollen stadium at St John's.  A Trybooking link will be established for parents and guardians wishing to attend this celebration next week.

 Following the assembly, a morning tea will be held for the parents and students receiving awards in the Graduates' Restaurant.